ClassLoader::setPsr4( string $prefix, string[]|string $paths )
Registers a set of PSR-4 directories for a given namespace, replacing any others previously set for this namespace.
Parameters Parameters
- $prefix
(string) (Required) The prefix/namespace, with trailing ''
- $paths
(string[]|string) (Required) The PSR-4 base directories
Return Return
Source Source
File: libraries/lifterlms-cli/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php
public function setPsr4($prefix, $paths) { if (!$prefix) { $this->fallbackDirsPsr4 = (array) $paths; } else { $length = strlen($prefix); if ('\\' !== $prefix[$length - 1]) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("A non-empty PSR-4 prefix must end with a namespace separator."); } $this->prefixLengthsPsr4[$prefix[0]][$prefix] = $length; $this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix] = (array) $paths; } }
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