Manage LifterLMS add-on plugins and themes.
Source Source
File: libraries/lifterlms-cli/src/Commands/AddOn/Main.php
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'available' : 'none' , 'version' => $addon ->is_installed() ? $addon ->get_installed_version() : 'N/A' , 'update_version' => $addon ->get( 'version' ), 'title' => $addon ->get( 'title' ), 'channel' => $addon ->get_channel_subscription(), 'type' => $addon ->get( 'type' ), 'file' => $addon ->get( 'update_file' ), 'permalink' => $addon ->get( 'permalink' ), 'changelog' => $addon ->get( 'changelog' ), 'documentation' => $addon ->get( 'documentation' ), ); return $formatted ; } /** * Retrieve an array of available add-on slugs based on the supplied query criteria. * * This function passes data to `wp llms addon list` with specific filters and returns an associative * array of add-on slugs from that list. * * This is used, mostly, to generate a list of available addons for various commands which provide an `--all` flag/option. * * @since 0.0.1 * * @param string $status Add-on status, passed as the `--status` option to `llms addon list`. * @param bool $check_license Whether or not the add-on should be licensed. This is used to determine what is installable / upgradeable. * @param string $type Add-on type. Accepts 'all' (default), 'plugin' or 'theme'. * @return string[] Array of add-on slugs meeting the specified filters. */ private function get_available_addons( $status , $check_license , $type = 'all' ) { $list = \WP_CLI::runcommand( "llms addon list --format=json --status={$status} --fields=name,license,type" , array ( 'return' => true, ) ); $list = array_filter ( json_decode( $list , true ), function ( $item ) use ( $check_license , $type ) { return ( ( $check_license && 'active' === $item [ 'license' ] ) || ! $check_license ) && ( 'all' === $type || $type === $item [ 'type' ] ); } ); return wp_list_pluck( $list , 'name' ); } /** * Retrieves an optionally filtered list of add-ons for use in the `list` command. * * @since 0.0.1 * * @param array $assoc_args Associative array of command options. * @param string $filter_field The optional name of the field to filter results by. * @return array[] Array of add-on items. */ private function get_filtered_items( $assoc_args , $filter_field = '' ) { $addons = llms_get_add_ons(); $list = array_filter ( $addons [ 'items' ], function ( $item ) { return // Skip anything without a slug. ! empty ( $item [ 'slug' ] ) && // Skip the LifterLMS core. 'lifterlms' !== $item [ 'slug' ] && // Skip third party add-ons. ! in_array( 'third-party' , array_keys ( $item [ 'categories' ] ), true ); } ); // Format remaining items. $list = array_map ( array ( $this , 'format_item' ), $list ); // Filter by field value. if ( $filter_field ) { $field_val = $assoc_args [ $filter_field ]; $list = array_filter ( $list , function ( $item ) use ( $filter_field , $field_val ) { return $item [ $filter_field ] === $field_val ; } ); } // Alpha sort the list by slug. usort( $list , function ( $a , $b ) { return strcmp ( $a [ 'name' ], $b [ 'name' ] ); } ); return $list ; } /** * Reusable loop function for handling commands which accept one or more slugs as the commands first argument * * @since 0.0.1 * * @param string[] $slugs Array of add-on slugs, with or without the `lifterlms-` prefix. * @param array $assoc_args Associative array of command options from the original command. * @param string $callback Name of the method to use for handling a single add-on for the given command. * The callback should accept three arguments: * + @type string $slug Add-on slug for the current item. * + @type LLMS_Add_On $addon Add-on object for the current item. * + @type array $assoc_args Array of arguments from the initial command. * The callback should return a truthy to signal success and * a falsy to signal an error. * @return array { * Associative arrays containing details on the errors and successes encountered during the loop. * * @type int $errors Number of errors encountered in the loop. * @type int $successes Number of success encountered in the loop. * } */ private function loop( $slugs , $assoc_args , $callback ) { $successes = 0; $errors = 0; foreach ( $slugs as $slug ) { if ( empty ( $slug ) ) { \WP_CLI::warning( 'Ignoring ambiguous empty slug value.' ); continue ; } $addon = $this ->get_addon( $slug , true, 'warning' ); if ( empty ( $addon ) ) { $errors ++; continue ; } if ( ! $this -> $callback ( $slug , $addon , $assoc_args ) ) { $errors ++; continue ; } $successes ++; } return compact( 'errors' , 'successes' ); } } |
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Methods Methods
- format_item — Accepts an add-on array and converts it to the format used by the output method
- get_available_addons — Retrieve an array of available add-on slugs based on the supplied query criteria.
- get_filtered_items — Retrieves an optionally filtered list of add-ons for use in the `list` command.
- loop — Reusable loop function for handling commands which accept one or more slugs as the commands first argument
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
0.0.1 | Introduced. |