LifterLMS REST API to LifterLMS CLI Bridge.
Description Description
Hooks into the REST API, figures out which endpoints come from LifterLMS, and registers them as CLI commands.
Source Source
File: libraries/lifterlms-cli/src/Commands/Restful/Runner.php
class Runner { public static function after_wp_load() { if ( defined( 'WP_INSTALLING' ) && WP_INSTALLING ) { return; } if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_REST_Server' ) ) { return; } global $wp_rest_server; $wp_rest_server = new \WP_REST_Server(); do_action( 'rest_api_init', $wp_rest_server ); $request = new \WP_REST_Request( 'GET', '/' ); $request->set_param( 'context', 'help' ); $response = $wp_rest_server->dispatch( $request ); $response_data = $response->get_data(); if ( empty( $response_data ) ) { return; } foreach ( $response_data['routes'] as $route => $route_data ) { // Skip non LifterLMS routes. if ( 0 !== strpos( $route, '/llms/' ) ) { continue; } if ( empty( $route_data['schema']['title'] ) ) { \WP_CLI::debug( "No schema title found for {$route}, skipping LifterLMS CLI REST command registration.", 'lifterlms' ); continue; } $name = $route_data['schema']['title']; $rest_command = new Command( $name, $route, $route_data['schema'] ); self::register_route_commands( $rest_command, $route, $route_data ); } } private static function get_command_root_desc( $resource ) { $resource = str_replace( array( '-', 'students', 'api' ), array( ' ', 'student', 'API' ), $resource ); if ( 's' !== substr( $resource, -1 ) ) { $resource .= 's'; } return sprintf( 'Manage %s.', $resource ); } private static function get_command_short_desc( $command, $resource ) { $before = ''; $after = ''; switch ( $command ) { case 'create': $before = 'Creates a new'; break; case 'delete': $before = 'Deletes an existing'; break; case 'diff': $before = 'Compare'; $resource = self::pluralize_resource( $resource ); $after = 'between environments'; break; case 'edit': $before = 'Launches system editor to edit the'; $after = 'content'; break; case 'generate': $before = 'Generates some'; $resource = self::pluralize_resource( $resource ); break; case 'get': $before = 'Gets details about a'; break; case 'list': $before = 'Gets a list of '; $resource = self::pluralize_resource( $resource ); break; case 'update': $before = 'Updates an existing'; break; } return trim( implode( ' ', array( $before, $resource, $after ) ) ) . '.'; } private static function pluralize_resource( $resource ) { switch ( $resource ) { default: $resource .= 's'; } return $resource; } private static function get_supported_commands( $route, $route_data ) { $supported_commands = array(); foreach ( $route_data['endpoints'] as $endpoint ) { $parsed_args = preg_match_all( '#\([^\)]+\)#', $route, $matches ); $resource_id = ! empty( $matches[0] ) ? array_pop( $matches[0] ) : null; $trimmed_route = rtrim( $route ); $is_singular = $resource_id === substr( $trimmed_route, - strlen( $resource_id ) ); // List a collection if ( array( 'GET' ) == $endpoint['methods'] && ! $is_singular ) { $supported_commands['list'] = ! empty( $endpoint['args'] ) ? $endpoint['args'] : array(); } // Create a specific resource if ( array( 'POST' ) == $endpoint['methods'] && ! $is_singular ) { $supported_commands['create'] = ! empty( $endpoint['args'] ) ? $endpoint['args'] : array(); } // Get a specific resource if ( array( 'GET' ) == $endpoint['methods'] && $is_singular ) { $supported_commands['get'] = ! empty( $endpoint['args'] ) ? $endpoint['args'] : array(); } // Update a specific resource if ( in_array( 'POST', $endpoint['methods'] ) && $is_singular ) { $supported_commands['update'] = ! empty( $endpoint['args'] ) ? $endpoint['args'] : array(); } // Delete a specific resource if ( array( 'DELETE' ) == $endpoint['methods'] && $is_singular ) { $supported_commands['delete'] = ! empty( $endpoint['args'] ) ? $endpoint['args'] : array(); } } return $supported_commands; } public static function before_invoke_command() { /** * If `--user` was passed the user will already be set, otherwise there won't be a user. * * It is "safe" to assume that someone using the CLI has admin access and we'll set the current * user to be the first admin we find in the DB that has the `manage_options` cap. */ if ( ! get_current_user_id() ) { $user = \LLMS_Install::get_can_install_user_id(); if ( $user ) { wp_set_current_user( $user ); } } if ( \WP_CLI::get_config( 'debug' ) && ! defined( 'SAVEQUERIES' ) ) { define( 'SAVEQUERIES', true ); } } /** * Register WP-CLI commands for all endpoints on a route * * @param string * @param array $endpoints */ private static function register_route_commands( $rest_command, $route, $route_data ) { $resource = str_replace( array( 'llms_', '_' ), array( '', '-' ), $route_data['schema']['title'] ); $parent = "llms {$resource}"; $supported_commands = self::get_supported_commands( $route, $route_data ); foreach ( $supported_commands as $command => $endpoint_args ) { $synopsis = array(); if ( in_array( $command, array( 'delete', 'get', 'update' ) ) ) { $synopsis[] = array( 'name' => 'id', 'type' => 'positional', 'description' => 'The id for the resource.', 'optional' => false, ); } foreach ( $endpoint_args as $name => $args ) { $arg_reg = array( 'name' => $name, 'type' => 'assoc', 'description' => ! empty( $args['description'] ) ? $args['description'] : '', 'optional' => empty( $args['required'] ) ? true : false, ); foreach ( array( 'enum', 'default' ) as $key ) { if ( isset( $args[ $key ] ) ) { $new_key = 'enum' === $key ? 'options' : $key; $arg_reg[ $new_key ] = $args[ $key ]; } } $synopsis[] = $arg_reg; } if ( in_array( $command, array( 'list', 'get' ) ) ) { $synopsis[] = array( 'name' => 'fields', 'type' => 'assoc', 'description' => 'Limit response to specific fields. Defaults to all fields.', 'optional' => true, ); $synopsis[] = array( 'name' => 'field', 'type' => 'assoc', 'description' => 'Get the value of an individual field.', 'optional' => true, ); $synopsis[] = array( 'name' => 'format', 'type' => 'assoc', 'description' => 'Render response in a particular format.', 'optional' => true, 'default' => 'table', 'options' => array( 'table', 'json', 'csv', 'ids', 'yaml', 'count', 'headers', 'body', 'envelope', ), ); } if ( in_array( $command, array( 'create', 'update', 'delete' ) ) ) { $synopsis[] = array( 'name' => 'porcelain', 'type' => 'flag', 'description' => 'Output just the id when the operation is successful.', 'optional' => true, ); } $methods = array( 'list' => 'list_items', 'create' => 'create_item', 'delete' => 'delete_item', 'get' => 'get_item', 'update' => 'update_item', ); // Add the root command, eg: wp llms course. \WP_CLI::add_command( "{$parent}", $rest_command, array( 'shortdesc' => self::get_command_root_desc( $resource ), ) ); // Register main subcommands, eg: wp llms course create, wp llms course delete, etc... \WP_CLI::add_command( "{$parent} {$command}", array( $rest_command, $methods[ $command ] ), array( 'shortdesc' => self::get_command_short_desc( $command, $resource ), 'synopsis' => $synopsis, 'before_invoke' => array( __CLASS__, 'before_invoke_command' ), ) ); // If listing is supported, add the diff command. if ( 'list' === $command ) { \WP_CLI::add_command( "{$parent} diff", array( $rest_command, 'diff_items' ), array( 'shortdesc' => self::get_command_short_desc( 'diff', $resource ), 'before_invoke' => array( __CLASS__, 'before_invoke_command' ), ) ); } // If creation is supported, add the generate command. if ( 'create' === $command ) { \WP_CLI::add_command( "{$parent} generate", array( $rest_command, 'generate_items' ), array( 'shortdesc' => self::get_command_short_desc( 'generate', $resource ), 'synopsis' => self::get_generate_command_synopsis( $synopsis ), 'before_invoke' => array( __CLASS__, 'before_invoke_command' ), ) ); } // If updating and getting is supported, add the edit command. if ( 'update' === $command && array_key_exists( 'get', $supported_commands ) ) { $synopsis = array(); $synopsis[] = array( 'name' => 'id', 'type' => 'positional', 'description' => 'The id for the resource.', 'optional' => false, ); \WP_CLI::add_command( "{$parent} edit", array( $rest_command, 'edit_item' ), array( 'shortdesc' => self::get_command_short_desc( 'edit', $resource ), 'synopsis' => $synopsis, 'before_invoke' => array( __CLASS__, 'before_invoke_command' ), ) ); } } } private static function get_generate_command_synopsis( $create_synopsis ) { $generate_synopsis = array( array( 'name' => 'count', 'type' => 'assoc', 'description' => 'Number of items to generate.', 'optional' => true, 'default' => 10, ), array( 'name' => 'format', 'type' => 'assoc', 'description' => 'Render generation in specific format.', 'optional' => true, 'default' => 'progress', 'options' => array( 'progress', 'ids', ), ), ); return array_merge( $generate_synopsis, $create_synopsis ); } }
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Methods Methods
- after_wp_load
- before_invoke_command
- get_command_root_desc
- get_command_short_desc
- get_generate_command_synopsis
- get_supported_commands
- pluralize_resource
- register_route_commands — Register WP-CLI commands for all endpoints on a route
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
0.0.1 | Introduced. |