Alert: This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.
Register WP_CLI hooks
Description Description
Loads all commands and sets up license and addon commands to be aborted if the LifterLMS Helper is not present.
Return Return
Source Source
File: libraries/lifterlms-cli/src/Main.php
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 | private function hooks() { \WP_CLI::add_hook( 'after_wp_load' , array ( $this , 'commands' ) ); // If the Helper doesn't exist abort command addition. if ( ! class_exists ( 'LifterLMS_Helper' ) ) { $helper_commands = array ( 'license' , 'addon install' , 'addon uninstall' , 'addon activate' , 'addon deactivate' , 'addon update' , ); foreach ( $helper_commands as $command ) { \WP_CLI::add_hook( "before_add_command:llms {$command}" , function ( CommandAddition $command_addition ) { $command_addition ->abort( 'The LifterLMS Helper is required to use this command.' ); } ); } } } |
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Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
0.0.1 | Introduced. |