LLMS_Access_Plan::get_price_with_coupon( string $key, LLMS_Coupon|int $coupon_id, array $price_args = array(), string $format = 'html' )

Apply a coupon to a price

Parameters Parameters


(string) (Required) Price to retrieve, "price", "sale_price", or "trial_price".


(LLMS_Coupon|int) (Required) Coupon object or post id.


(array) (Optional) arguments to be passed to llms_price().

Default value: array()


(string) (Optional) return format as passed to llms_price().

Default value: 'html'

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Return Return


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Source Source

File: includes/models/model.llms.access.plan.php

		// Allow id or instance to be passed for $coupon_id.
		if ( $coupon_id instanceof LLMS_Coupon ) {
			$coupon = $coupon_id;
		} else {
			$coupon = new LLMS_Coupon( $coupon_id );

		$price = $this->get( $key );

		// Ensure the coupon *can* be applied to this plan.
		if ( ! $coupon->is_valid( $this ) ) {
			return $price;

		$discount_type = $coupon->get( 'discount_type' );

		// Price and sale price are calculated of coupon amount.
		if ( 'price' === $key || 'sale_price' === $key ) {

			$coupon_amount = $coupon->get( 'coupon_amount' );

		} elseif ( 'trial_price' === $key && $coupon->has_trial_discount() && $this->has_trial() ) {

			$coupon_amount = $coupon->get( 'trial_amount' );

		} else {

			$coupon_amount = 0;


		if ( $coupon_amount ) {

			// Simple subtraction.
			if ( 'dollar' === $discount_type ) {
				$price = $price - $coupon_amount;
			} elseif ( 'percent' === $discount_type ) {
				$price = $price - ( $price * ( $coupon_amount / 100 ) );

		// If price is less than 0 return the pricing text.
		if ( $price <= 0 ) {

			$price = $this->get_free_pricing_text( $format );

		} else {

			if ( 'html' === $format || 'raw' === $format ) {
				$price = llms_price( $price, $price_args );
				if ( 'raw' === $format ) {
					$price = wp_strip_all_tags( $price );
			} elseif ( 'float' === $format ) {
				$price = floatval( number_format( $price, get_lifterlms_decimals(), '.', '' ) );
			} else {
				$price = apply_filters( "llms_get_{$this->model_post_type}_{$key}_{$format}_with_coupon", $price, $key, $price_args, $format, $this );

		return apply_filters( "llms_get_{$this->model_post_type}_{$key}_price_with_coupon", $price, $key, $price_args, $format, $this );


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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
3.7.0 Unknown.
3.40.0 Use wp_strip_all_tags() in favor of strip_tags().
3.0.0 Introduced.

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