Add breadcrumb links to the tab depending on current view
Return Return
Source Source
File: includes/admin/reporting/tabs/class.llms.admin.reporting.tab.students.php
public function breadcrumbs() { $links = array(); // Single student. if ( isset( $_GET['student_id'] ) ) { $student = new LLMS_Student( absint( $_GET['student_id'] ) ); $links[ LLMS_Admin_Reporting::get_stab_url( 'information' ) ] = $student->get_name(); if ( isset( $_GET['stab'] ) && 'courses' === $_GET['stab'] ) { $links[ LLMS_Admin_Reporting::get_stab_url( 'courses' ) ] = __( 'All Courses', 'lifterlms' ); if ( isset( $_GET['course_id'] ) ) { $course_id = llms_filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'course_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ); $student_id = llms_filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'student_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ); $url = LLMS_Admin_Reporting::get_current_tab_url( array( 'stab' => 'courses', 'student_id' => $student_id, 'course_id' => $course_id, ) ); $links[ $url ] = get_the_title( $course_id ); if ( isset( $_GET['quiz_id'] ) ) { $quiz_id = llms_filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'quiz_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ); $url = LLMS_Admin_Reporting::get_current_tab_url( array( 'stab' => 'courses', 'student_id' => $student_id, 'course_id' => $course_id, 'quiz_id' => $quiz_id, ) ); $links[ $url ] = get_the_title( $quiz_id ); } } } } foreach ( $links as $url => $title ) { echo '<a href="' . esc_url( $url ) . '">' . $title . '</a>'; } }
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Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.35.0 | Sanitize input data. |
3.2.0 | Introduced. |