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File: includes/admin/reporting/widgets/class.llms.analytics.widget.revenue.php

	public function set_query() {

		global $wpdb;

		$txn_meta_join  = '';
		$txn_meta_where = '';
		// Create an "IN" clause that can be used for later in WHERE clauses.
		if ( $this->get_posted_students() || $this->get_posted_posts() ) {

			// Get an array of order based on posted students & products.
					'date_range'     => false,
					'query_function' => 'get_col',
					'select'         => array(
					'statuses'       => array(
			$order_ids = $this->get_results();

			if ( $order_ids ) {

				$txn_meta_join   = "JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS txn_meta ON txn_meta.post_id = txns.ID";
				$txn_meta_where .= " AND txn_meta.meta_key = '_llms_order_id'";
				$txn_meta_where .= ' AND txn_meta.meta_value IN ( ' . implode( ', ', $order_ids ) . ' )';
			} else {

				$this->query_function = 'get_var';
				$this->query          = 'SELECT 0';


		// Date range will be used to get transactions between given dates.
		$dates            = $this->get_posted_dates();
		$this->query_vars = array(
			$this->format_date( $dates['start'], 'start' ),
			$this->format_date( $dates['end'], 'end' ),

		$this->query_function = 'get_var';

		$this->query = "SELECT
								IFNULL( SUM( (
									SELECT price.meta_value
									FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} AS price
										  price.meta_key = '_llms_amount'
									  AND price.post_id IN( txns.ID )
								) ), 0 ) - IFNULL( SUM((
									SELECT refund.meta_value
									FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} AS refund
										  refund.meta_key = '_llms_refund_amount'
									  AND refund.post_id IN( txns.ID )
								) ), 0 )
							) AS revenue
						FROM {$wpdb->posts} AS txns
						        ( txns.post_status = 'llms-txn-succeeded' OR txns.post_status = 'llms-txn-refunded' )
						    AND txns.post_type = 'llms_transaction'
							AND txns.post_date BETWEEN CAST( %s AS DATETIME ) AND CAST( %s AS DATETIME )


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