LLMS_Assets::enqueue_inline( string $handle, string $asset, string $location, int|float $priority = 10 )

Enqueue an inline script or style

Parameters Parameters


(string) (Required) Inline asset ID.


(string) (Required) The inline script or CSS rule. This should *not* be wrapped in <script> or <style> tags.


(string) (Required) Output location of the inline asset. Accepts "style" (for stylesheets in the headr), "header" (for scripts in the header), or "footer" (for scripts in the footer).


(int|float) (Optional) Output priority of the inline asset.

Default value: 10

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Return Return

(float) Returns the priority of the enqueued script

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Source Source

File: includes/class-llms-assets.php

	 * @return float Returns the priority of the enqueued script
	public function enqueue_inline( $handle, $asset, $location, $priority = 10 ) {

		// If script already exists, remove it and re-enqueue.
		if ( $this->is_inline_enqueued( $handle ) ) {
			unset( $this->inline[ $handle ] );

		$priority                = $this->get_inline_priority( $priority, $this->get_definitions_inline( $location ) );
		$this->inline[ $handle ] = compact( 'handle', 'asset', 'location', 'priority' );

		return $priority;

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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
4.4.0 Introduced.

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