LLMS_Certificates::get_export( int $certificate_id, bool $use_cache = false )
Retrieve an existing or generate a downloadable HTML file for a certificate
Parameters Parameters
- $certificate_id
(int) (Required) WP Post ID of the earned certificate.
- $use_cache
(bool) (Optional) If true will check for existence of a cached version of the file first.
Default value: false
Return Return
(mixed) WP_Error or full path to the generated export.
Source Source
File: includes/class.llms.certificates.php
public function get_export( $certificate_id, $use_cache = false ) { if ( $use_cache ) { $cached = get_post_meta( $certificate_id, '_llms_export_filepath', true ); if ( $cached && file_exists( $cached ) ) { return $cached; } } $cert = new LLMS_User_Certificate( $certificate_id ); // Translators: %1$s = url-safe certificate title, %2$s = random alpha-numeric characters for filename obscurity. $filename = sanitize_title( sprintf( esc_attr_x( 'certificate-%1$s-%2$s', 'certificate download filename', 'lifterlms' ), $cert->get( 'title' ), wp_generate_password( 12, false, false ) ) ); $filename .= '.html'; $filepath = LLMS_TMP_DIR . $filename; // Generate the file. $filepath = $this->generate_export( $filepath, $certificate_id ); if ( $use_cache && ! is_wp_error( $filepath ) ) { update_post_meta( $certificate_id, '_llms_export_filepath', $filepath ); } return $filepath; }
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Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
6.0.0 | Use the certificate post title in favor of the deprecated meta value _llms_certificate_title . |
3.18.0 | Introduced. |