LLMS_Controller_Lesson_Progression::quiz_maybe_prevent_lesson_completion( bool $allow_completion, int $user_id, int $lesson_id, string $trigger, array $args )

Before a lesson is marked as complete, check if all the lesson’s quiz requirements are met

Parameters Parameters


(bool) (Required) Whether or not to allow completion (true by default, false if something else has already prevented).


(int) (Required) WP User ID of the student completing the lesson.


(int) (Required) WP Post ID of the lesson to be completed.


(string) (Required) Text string to record the reason why the lesson is being completed.


(array) (Optional) additional arguments from the triggering function.

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Return Return


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Source Source

File: includes/controllers/class.llms.controller.lesson.progression.php

	public function quiz_maybe_prevent_lesson_completion( $allow_completion, $user_id, $lesson_id, $trigger, $args ) {

		// If allow completion is already false, we don't need to run any quiz checks.
		if ( ! $allow_completion ) {
			return $allow_completion;

		$lesson           = llms_get_post( $lesson_id );
		$passing_required = llms_parse_bool( $lesson->get( 'require_passing_grade' ) );

		// If the lesson is being completed by a quiz.
		if ( 0 === strpos( $trigger, 'quiz_' ) ) {

			// Passing is required AND the attempt was a failure.
			if ( $passing_required && ! $args['attempt']->is_passing() ) {
				$allow_completion = false;
		} elseif ( $lesson->is_quiz_enabled() ) {

			$quiz_id = $lesson->get( 'quiz' );
			$student = llms_get_student( $user_id );
			$attempt = $student->quizzes()->get_best_attempt( $quiz_id );

			// Passing is not required but there's not attempts yet.
			// At least one attempt (passing or otherwise) is required!.
			if ( ! $passing_required && ! $attempt ) {
				$allow_completion = false;

				// Passing is required and there's no attempts or the best attempt is not passing.
			} elseif ( $passing_required && ( ! $attempt || ! $attempt->is_passing() ) ) {
				$allow_completion = false;

		return $allow_completion;


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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
3.17.1 Introduced.

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