
Additional preparation for the password strength meter.

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File: includes/forms/class-llms-form-field.php

	protected function prepare_password_strength_meter() {

		$meter_settings = array(
			'blocklist'    => array(),
			'min_strength' => ! empty( $this->settings['min_strength'] ) ? $this->settings['min_strength'] : 'strong',
			'min_length'   => ! empty( $this->settings['min_length'] ) ? max( 6, $this->settings['min_length'] ) : 6,

		// Backwards compat functionality ends up outputting a minlength attribute on the <div> and we don't want that.
		unset( $this->settings['min_length'] );

		 * Modify password strength meter settings.
		 * @since 5.0.0
		 * @param array $meter_settings {
		 *     Hash of meter configuration options.
		 *     @type string[] $blocklist    A list of strings that are penalized when used in the password. See "user_inputs" at https://github.com/dropbox/zxcvbn#usage.
		 *     @type string   $min_strength The minimum acceptable password strength. Accepts "strong", "medium", or "weak". Default: "strong".
		 *     @type int      $min_length   The minimum acceptable password length. Must be >= 6. Default: 6.
		 * }
		$meter_settings = apply_filters( 'llms_password_strength_meter_settings', $meter_settings, $this->settings, $this );

		// If scripts have been enqueued, add password strength meter script.
		if ( did_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts' ) ) {
			return $this->enqueue_strength_meter( $meter_settings );
		// Otherwise add it whe `wp_enqueue_scripts` is fired.
			function() use ( $meter_settings ) {
				$this->enqueue_strength_meter( $meter_settings );


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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
5.10.0 Make sure to enqueue the strength meter js, whether or not wp_enqueue_scripts hook has been fired yet.
5.0.0 Introduced.

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