
Updates course and lesson prerequisites

Description Description

If the prerequisite was included in the import, updates to the new imported version.

If the prereq is not included but the source matches, leaves the prereq intact as long as the prereq exists.

Otherwise removes prerequisite data from the new course / lesson.

Removes prereq track associations if there’s no source or source doesn’t match or if the track doesn’t exist.

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Source Source

File: includes/class-llms-generator-courses.php

	protected function handle_prerequisites() {

		foreach ( array( 'course', 'lesson' ) as $obj_type ) {

			$ids = ! empty( $this->tempids[ $obj_type ] ) ? $this->tempids[ $obj_type ] : array();

			// Courses have two kinds of prereqs.
			$has_prereq_param = ( 'course' === $obj_type ) ? 'course' : null;

			// Loop through all then created lessons.
			foreach ( $ids as $old_id => $new_id ) {

				// Instantiate the new instance of the object.
				$obj = llms_get_post( $new_id );

				// If this is a course and there isn't a source or the source doesn't match the current site.
				// We should remove the track prerequisites.
				if ( 'course' === $obj_type && ( ! isset( $raw['_source'] ) || get_site_url() !== $raw['_source'] ) ) {

					// Remove prereq track settings.
					if ( $obj->has_prerequisite( 'course_track' ) ) {
						$obj->set( 'prerequisite_track', 0 );
						if ( ! $obj->has_prerequisite( 'course' ) ) {
							$obj->set( 'has_prerequisite', 'no' );

				// If the object has a prereq.
				if ( $obj->has_prerequisite( $has_prereq_param ) ) {

					// Get the old preqeq's id.
					$old_prereq = $obj->get( 'prerequisite' );

					// If the old prereq is a key in the array of created objects.
					// We can replace it with the new id.
					if ( in_array( $old_prereq, array_keys( $ids ) ) ) {

						$obj->set( 'prerequisite', $ids[ $old_prereq ] );

					} elseif ( ! isset( $raw['_source'] ) || get_site_url() !== $raw['_source'] ) {

						$obj->set( 'has_prerequisite', 'no' );
						$obj->set( 'prerequisite', 0 );

					} else {
						$post = get_post( $old_prereq );
						// Post doesn't exist or the post type doesn't match, get rid of it.
						if ( ! $post || $obj_type !== $post->post_type ) {

							$obj->set( 'has_prerequisite', 'no' );
							$obj->set( 'prerequisite', 0 );



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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
3.24.0 Introduced.

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