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File: libraries/lifterlms-helper/includes/class-llms-helper-keys.php
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Added `$force` parameter. * * @param string|array $keys Array or a white-space separated list of API keys. * @param bool $force Optional. Whether to force a remote check. Default `false`. * @return array */ public static function activate_keys( $keys , $force = false ) { // Sanitize before sending. if ( ! is_array ( $keys ) ) { $keys = explode ( PHP_EOL, $keys ); } $keys = array_map ( 'sanitize_text_field' , $keys ); $keys = array_map ( 'trim' , $keys ); $keys = array_unique ( $keys ); $keys = array_filter ( $keys ); // Remove empty keys. $data = array ( 'keys' => $keys , 'url' => get_site_url(), ); // Check for a cached result based on the keys and url input. $cache_hash = md5( wp_json_encode( $data ) ); if ( $force ) { // Delete cache if forcing a remote check. delete_site_transient( 'llms_helper_keys_activation_response_' . $cache_hash ); } else { // Use the cached result if present. $cached_req_result = get_site_transient( 'llms_helper_keys_activation_response_' . $cache_hash ); if ( ! empty ( $cached_req_result ) ) { return $cached_req_result ; } } $req = new LLMS_Dot_Com_API( '/license/activate' , $data ); set_site_transient( 'llms_helper_keys_activation_response_' . $cache_hash , $req ->get_result(), HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); return $req ->get_result(); } /** * Add a single license key * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $activation_data Array of activation details from api call. * @return boolean True if option value has changed, false if not or if update failed. */ public static function add_license_key( $activation_data ) { $keys = llms_helper_options()->get_license_keys(); $keys [ $activation_data [ 'license_key' ] ] = array ( 'product_id' => $activation_data [ 'id' ], 'status' => 1, 'license_key' => $activation_data [ 'license_key' ], 'update_key' => $activation_data [ 'update_key' ], 'addons' => $activation_data [ 'addons' ], ); return llms_helper_options()->set_license_keys( $keys ); } /** * Check all saved keys to ensure they're still active * * Outputs warnings if the key has expired or the status has changed remotely. * * Runs on daily cron (`llms_check_license_keys`). * * Only make api calls to check once / week. * * @since 3.0.0 * @since 3.4.0 Use core textdomain. * * @param bool $force Ignore the once/week setting and force a check. * @return void */ public static function check_keys( $force = false ) { // Don't trigger during AJAX Requests. if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) { return ; } // Don't proceed if we don't have any keys to check. $keys = llms_helper_options()->get_license_keys(); if ( ! $keys ) { return ; } if ( ! $force ) { // Only check keys once a week. $last_send = llms_helper_options()->get_last_keys_cron_check(); if ( $last_send > apply_filters( 'llms_check_license_keys_interval' , strtotime ( '-1 week' ) ) ) { return ; } } // Record check time. llms_helper_options()->set_last_keys_cron_check( time() ); $data = array ( 'keys' => array (), 'url' => get_site_url(), ); foreach ( $keys as $key ) { $data [ 'keys' ][ $key [ 'license_key' ] ] = $key [ 'update_key' ]; } $req = new LLMS_Dot_Com_API( '/license/status' , $data ); if ( ! $req ->is_error() ) { $res = $req ->get_result(); include_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class.llms.admin.notices.php' ; /* Translators: %s = License Key */ $msg = __( 'The license "%s" is no longer valid and was deactivated. Please visit your account dashboard at https://lifterlms.com/my-account for more information.' , 'lifterlms' ); // Output error responses. if ( isset( $res [ 'data' ][ 'errors' ] ) ) { foreach ( array_keys ( $res [ 'data' ][ 'errors' ] ) as $key ) { self::remove_license_key( $key ); LLMS_Admin_Notices::add_notice( 'key_check_' . sanitize_text_field( $key ), make_clickable( sprintf( $msg , $key ) ), array ( 'type' => 'error' , 'dismiss_for_days' => 0, ) ); } } // Check status of keys, if the status has changed remove it locally. if ( isset( $res [ 'data' ][ 'keys' ] ) ) { foreach ( $res [ 'data' ][ 'keys' ] as $key => $data ) { if ( $data [ 'status' ] ) { continue ; } self::remove_license_key( $key ); LLMS_Admin_Notices::add_notice( 'key_check_' . sanitize_text_field( $key ), make_clickable( sprintf( $msg , $key ) ), array ( 'type' => 'error' , 'dismiss_for_days' => 0, ) ); } } } } /** * Deactivate LifterLMS API keys with remote server * * @since 3.0.0 * @since 3.4.1 Ensure key exists before attempting to deactivate it. * @since 3.5.0 Deleting any cached activation result. * * @param array $keys Array of keys. * @return array */ public static function deactivate_keys( $keys ) { $keys = array_map ( 'sanitize_text_field' , $keys ); $keys = array_map ( 'trim' , $keys ); $data = array ( 'keys' => array (), 'url' => get_site_url(), ); // Delete any cached activation result. $cache_hash = md5( wp_json_encode( $data ) ); delete_site_transient( 'llms_helper_keys_activation_response_' . $cache_hash ); $saved = llms_helper_options()->get_license_keys(); foreach ( $keys as $key ) { if ( isset( $saved [ $key ] ) && $saved [ $key ][ 'update_key' ] ) { $data [ 'keys' ][ $key ] = $saved [ $key ][ 'update_key' ]; } } $req = new LLMS_Dot_Com_API( '/license/deactivate' , $data ); return $req ->get_result(); } /** * Retrieve stored information about a key by the license key * * @since 3.3.1 * * @param string $key License key. * @return array|false Associative array of license key information. Returns `false` if the provided license key was not found. */ public static function get( $key ) { |
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Methods Methods
- activate_keys — Activate LifterLMS License Keys with the remote server.
- add_license_key — Add a single license key
- check_keys — Check all saved keys to ensure they're still active
- deactivate_keys — Deactivate LifterLMS API keys with remote server
- get — Retrieve stored information about a key by the license key
- remove_license_key — Remove a single license key
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.0.0 | Introduced. |