
bbPress Integration

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File: includes/integrations/class.llms.integration.bbpress.php

class LLMS_Integration_BBPress extends LLMS_Abstract_Integration {

	 * Integration ID
	 * @var string
	public $id = 'bbpress';

	 * Display order on Integrations tab
	 * @var integer
	protected $priority = 5;

	 * Configure the integration
	 * @since 3.8.0
	 * @since 3.30.3 Fixed spelling errors.
	 * @return void
	protected function configure() {

		$this->title       = __( 'bbPress', 'lifterlms' );
		$this->description = sprintf( __( 'Restrict forums and topics to memberships, add forums to courses, and %1$smore%2$s.', 'lifterlms' ), '<a href="https://lifterlms.com/docs/lifterlms-and-bbpress/" target="_blank">', '</a>' );

		if ( $this->is_available() ) {

			// Custom engagements.
			add_filter( 'lifterlms_engagement_triggers', array( $this, 'register_engagement_triggers' ) );

			add_action( 'bbp_new_topic', array( llms()->engagements(), 'maybe_trigger_engagement' ), 10, 4 );
			add_action( 'bbp_new_reply', array( llms()->engagements(), 'maybe_trigger_engagement' ), 10, 5 );

			add_filter( 'lifterlms_external_engagement_query_arguments', array( $this, 'engagement_query_args' ), 10, 3 );

			// Register shortcode.
			add_filter( 'llms_load_shortcodes', array( $this, 'register_shortcodes' ) );

			// Add memberships restriction metabox.
			add_filter( 'llms_membership_restricted_post_types', array( $this, 'add_membership_restrictions' ) );

			// Check forum/bbp template restrictions.
			add_filter( 'llms_page_restricted_before_check_access', array( $this, 'restriction_checks_memberships' ), 40, 1 );
			add_filter( 'llms_page_restricted_before_check_access', array( $this, 'restriction_checks_courses' ), 50, 1 );

			// Add and save custom fields.
			add_filter( 'llms_metabox_fields_lifterlms_course_options', array( $this, 'course_settings_fields' ) );
			add_action( 'llms_metabox_after_save_lifterlms-course-options', array( $this, 'save_course_settings' ) );
			add_filter( 'llms_get_course_properties', array( $this, 'add_course_props' ), 10, 2 );

			add_action( 'llms_content_restricted_by_bbp_course_forum', array( $this, 'handle_course_forum_restriction' ), 10, 1 );



	 * Register the custom course property with the LLMS_Course Model
	 * @since 3.12.0
	 * @param array       $props  Default properties.
	 * @param LLMS_Course $course Course object.
	 * @return array
	public function add_course_props( $props, $course ) {
		$props['bbp_forum_ids'] = 'array';
		return $props;

	 * Add the membership restrictions metabox to bbPress forums on admin panel
	 * @since 3.0.0
	 * @param string[] $post_types Array of existing post types.
	 * @return string[]
	public function add_membership_restrictions( $post_types ) {
		$post_types[] = bbp_get_forum_post_type();
		return $post_types;

	 * Register custom bbPress tab with the LLMS Course metabox
	 * @since 3.12.0
	 * @param array $fields Existing fields.
	 * @return array
	public function course_settings_fields( $fields ) {

		global $post;

		$selected = $this->get_course_forum_ids( $post );

		$fields[] = array(
			'title'  => __( 'bbPress', 'lifterlms' ),
			'fields' => array(
					'allow_null'      => false,
					'data_attributes' => array(
						'post-type'   => 'forum',
						'allow-clear' => true,
						'placeholder' => __( 'Select forums', 'lifterlms' ),
					'desc'            => __( 'Add forums which will only be available to students currently enrolled in this course.', 'lifterlms' ),
					'class'           => 'llms-select2-post',
					'id'              => '_llms_bbp_forum_ids',
					'type'            => 'select',
					'label'           => __( 'Private Course Forums', 'lifterlms' ),
					'multi'           => true,
					'value'           => llms_make_select2_post_array( $selected ),

		return $fields;

	 * Parse action arguments for bbPress engagements and pass them back to the LLMS Engagements handler
	 * @since 3.12.0
	 * @since 3.37.11 Use strict comparison for `in_array()`.
	 * @param array  $query_args Query args for handler.
	 * @param string $action     Triggering action name.
	 * @param array  $orig_args  Original arguments from the action (indexed array).
	 * @return array
	public function engagement_query_args( $query_args, $action, $orig_args ) {

		if ( in_array( $action, array( 'bbp_new_reply', 'bbp_new_topic' ), true ) ) {

			$query_args['trigger_type']    = $action;
			$query_args['related_post_id'] = '';

			if ( 'bbp_new_reply' === $action ) {

				$query_args['user_id'] = $orig_args[4]; // Reply Author.

			} elseif ( 'bbp_new_topic' === $action ) {

				$query_args['user_id'] = $orig_args[3]; // Topic Author.


		return $query_args;


	 * Handle course forum restrictions
	 * Add a notice and redirect to the course
	 * @since 3.12.0
	 * @since 3.13.0 Unknown.
	 * @since 3.37.11 Use `llms_redirect_and_exit()` in favor of `wp_redirect()`.
	 * @param array $restriction Restriction Results from `llms_page_restricted()`.
	 * @return void
	public function handle_course_forum_restriction( $restriction ) {

		 * Customize the restriction notice message displayed when a forum is restricted to a course.
		 * @since 3.37.11
		 * @param string $msg         Default message.
		 * @param array  $restriction Results from `llms_page_restricted()`.
		$msg = apply_filters( 'llms_bbp_course_forum_restriction_msg', __( 'You must be enrolled in this course to access the course forum.', 'lifterlms' ), $restriction );

		llms_add_notice( $msg, 'error' );
		llms_redirect_and_exit( get_permalink( $restriction['restriction_id'] ) );


	 * Retrieve course ids restricted to a LifterLMS course
	 * @since 3.12.0
	 * @param mixed $course WP_Post, LLMS_Course, or WP_Post ID.
	 * @return array
	public function get_course_forum_ids( $course ) {

		$course = llms_get_post( $course );
		if ( ! $course ) {
			$ids = array();
		} else {
			$ids = $course->get( 'bbp_forum_ids' );
			if ( '' === $ids ) {
				$ids = array();

		 * Customize the bbPress forum IDs associated with a course.
		 * @since 3.37.11
		 * @param int[]       $ids    Array of WP_Post IDs of the bbPress forums restricted to the course.
		 * @param LLMS_Course $course LifterLMS course object.
		return apply_filters( 'llms_bbp_get_course_forum_ids', $ids, $course );


	 * Check if a forum is restricted to a course(s)
	 * @since 3.12.0
	 * @since 3.38.1 Make the query more generic so that it matches forum ids whether they've been saved as integers or strings.
	 * @since 4.0.0 Escape `{` character in SQL query to add MySQL 8.0 support.
	 * @param int $forum_id WP_Post ID of the forum.
	 * @return int[]
	public function get_forum_course_restrictions( $forum_id ) {

		global $wpdb;
		$query = $wpdb->get_col( // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery, WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.NoCaching
				"SELECT metas.post_id
			 FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} AS metas
			 JOIN {$wpdb->posts} AS posts on posts.ID = metas.post_id
			 WHERE metas.meta_key = '_llms_bbp_forum_ids'
			   AND metas.meta_value REGEXP %s
			   AND posts.post_status = 'publish';",
				'a:[0-9][0-9]*:\{(i:[0-9][0-9]*;(i|s:[0-9][0-9]*):"?[0-9][0-9]*"?;)*(i:[0-9][0-9]*;(i|s:[0-9][0-9]*):"?' . sprintf( '%d', absint( $forum_id ) ) . '"?;)'

		$query = array_map( 'absint', $query );

		return $query;


	 * Determine if bbPress is installed and activated
	 * @since 3.0.0
	 * @return boolean
	public function is_installed() {
		return class_exists( 'bbPress' );

	 * Register shortcodes via LifterLMS core registration methods
	 * @since 3.12.0
	 * @param string[] $classes Existing shortcode classes.
	 * @return array
	public function register_shortcodes( $classes ) {
		$classes[] = 'LLMS_BBP_Shortcode_Course_Forums_List';
		return $classes;

	 * Check forum restrictions for course restrictions
	 * @since 3.12.0
	 * @since 3.12.2 Unknown.
	 * @param array $results Array of restriction results.
	 * @return array
	public function restriction_checks_courses( $results ) {

		$post_id = null;

		if ( bbp_is_forum( $results['content_id'] ) ) {

			$user_id = get_current_user_id();
			$courses = $this->get_forum_course_restrictions( $results['content_id'] );

			// No user and at least one course restriction, return the first.
			if ( $courses && ! $user_id ) {

				$post_id = $courses[0];

				// Courses and a user, find at least one enrollment.
			} elseif ( $courses && $user_id ) {

				foreach ( $courses as $course_id ) {
					// Not enrolled, use this for the restriction but dont break because we may find an enrollment later.
					if ( ! llms_is_user_enrolled( $user_id, $course_id ) ) {
						$post_id = $course_id;
						// Enrolled in one, reset the post id and break.
					} else {
						$post_id = null;
		} elseif ( bbp_is_topic( $results['content_id'] ) ) {

			$results['content_id'] = bbp_get_topic_forum_id( $results['content_id'] );
			return $this->restriction_checks_courses( $results );


		if ( $post_id ) {

			$results['restriction_id'] = $post_id;
			$results['reason']         = 'bbp_course_forum';


		return $results;


	 * Check membership restrictions for Topics and Forum Archive pages
	 * @since 3.12.0
	 * @param array $results Array of restriction results.
	 * @return array
	public function restriction_checks_memberships( $results ) {

		$post_id = null;

		// Forum archive, grab the page (if set).
		if ( bbp_is_forum_archive() ) {

			$page    = bbp_get_page_by_path( bbp_get_root_slug() );
			$post_id = ( $page && $page->ID ) ? $page->ID : null;
			$reason  = 'membership';

		} elseif ( bbp_is_topic( $results['content_id'] ) ) {

			$post_id = bbp_get_topic_forum_id( $results['content_id'] );
			$reason  = 'membership';


		if ( $post_id ) {

			$restriction_id = llms_is_post_restricted_by_membership( $post_id, get_current_user_id() );

			if ( $restriction_id ) {

				$results['restriction_id'] = $restriction_id;
				$results['reason']         = 'membership';


		return $results;


	 * Register engagement triggers
	 * @since 3.12.0
	 * @param string[] $triggers Existing triggers.
	 * @return array
	public function register_engagement_triggers( $triggers ) {
		$triggers['bbp_new_topic'] = __( 'Student creates a new forum topic', 'lifterlms' );
		$triggers['bbp_new_reply'] = __( 'Student creates a new forum reply', 'lifterlms' );
		return $triggers;

	 * Save course metabox custom fields
	 * @since 3.12.0
	 * @since 3.35.0 Sanitize input data.
	 * @since 3.37.11 Don't update saved forum values during course quick edits & remove redundant sanitization.
	 * @since 5.9.0 Stop using deprecated `FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING`.
	 * @param int $post_id WP_Post ID of the course.
	 * @return null|int[]
	public function save_course_settings( $post_id ) {

		// Return early on quick edits.
		$action = llms_filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'action' );
		if ( 'inline-save' === $action ) {
			return null;

		$ids = array();

		if ( isset( $_POST['_llms_bbp_forum_ids'] ) ) {  // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing

			$ids = llms_filter_input( INPUT_POST, '_llms_bbp_forum_ids', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY );

		update_post_meta( $post_id, '_llms_bbp_forum_ids', $ids );

		return $ids;



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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
4.0.0 Added MySQL 8.0 compatibility.
3.38.1 When looking for forum course restrictions make sure to run a more generic query so that it matches forum ids whether they've been save as integers or strings.
3.37.11 Don't update saved forum values during course quick edits.
3.35.0 Sanitize input data.
3.30.3 Fixed spelling errors.
3.0.0 Introduced.

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