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File: includes/class-llms-loader.php
class LLMS_Loader { /** * These classes do not conform to any of the LifterLMS class name or file name standards. * * @todo Rename these classes and/or add a namespace to them. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @var string[] [ $lowercase_class_name => $path_relative_to_LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR ] */ private $non_standard_classes = array( // Missing "_Abstract_" from class name. 'llms_admin_metabox' => 'includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.admin.metabox.php', 'llms_admin_table' => 'includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.admin.table.php', 'llms_analytics_widget' => 'includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.analytics.widget.php', 'llms_database_query' => 'includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.database.query.php', 'llms_payment_gateway' => 'includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.payment.gateway.php', 'llms_post_model' => 'includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.post.model.php', 'llms_shortcode_course_element' => 'includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.shortcode.course.element.php', 'llms_shortcode' => 'includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.shortcode.php', 'llms_update' => 'includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.update.php', // Missing "_Admin_" from class name. 'llms_export_api' => 'includes/admin/class-llms-export-api.php', // Meta box fields. 'llms_metabox_field' => 'includes/admin/post-types/meta-boxes/fields/llms.class.meta.box.fields.php', 'llms_metabox_textarea_w_tags_field' => 'includes/admin/post-types/meta-boxes/fields/llms.class.meta.box.textarea.tags.php', 'meta_box_field_interface' => 'includes/admin/post-types/meta-boxes/fields/llms.interface.meta.box.field.php', // Missing "Model" from class name. 'llms_access_plan' => 'includes/models/model.llms.access.plan.php', 'llms_add_on' => 'includes/models/model.llms.add-on.php', 'llms_coupon' => 'includes/models/model.llms.coupon.php', 'llms_course' => 'includes/models/model.llms.course.php', 'llms_event' => 'includes/models/class-llms-event.php', 'llms_instructor' => 'includes/models/model.llms.instructor.php', 'llms_lesson' => 'includes/models/model.llms.lesson.php', 'llms_membership' => 'includes/models/model.llms.membership.php', 'llms_notification' => 'includes/models/model.llms.notification.php', 'llms_order' => 'includes/models/model.llms.order.php', 'llms_post_instructors' => 'includes/models/model.llms.post.instructors.php', 'llms_product' => 'includes/models/model.llms.product.php', 'llms_question_choice' => 'includes/models/model.llms.question.choice.php', 'llms_question' => 'includes/models/model.llms.question.php', 'llms_quiz_attempt' => 'includes/models/model.llms.quiz.attempt.php', 'llms_quiz_attempt_question' => 'includes/models/model.llms.quiz.attempt.question.php', 'llms_quiz' => 'includes/models/model.llms.quiz.php', 'llms_section' => 'includes/models/model.llms.section.php', 'llms_student' => 'includes/models/model.llms.student.php', 'llms_student_quizzes' => 'includes/models/model.llms.student.quizzes.php', 'llms_transaction' => 'includes/models/model.llms.transaction.php', 'llms_user_achievement' => 'includes/models/model.llms.user.achievement.php', 'llms_user_certificate' => 'includes/models/model.llms.user.certificate.php', 'llms_user_postmeta' => 'includes/models/model.llms.user.postmeta.php', // Miscellaneous. 'llms_admin_reporting' => 'includes/admin/reporting/class.llms.admin.reporting.php', 'llms_admin_system_report' => 'includes/admin/class.llms.admin.system-report.php', 'llms_bbp_widget_course_forums_list' => 'includes/widgets/class.llms.bbp.widget.course.forums.list.php', 'llms_db_upgrader' => 'includes/class-llms-db-ugrader.php', 'llms_emails' => 'includes/class.llms.emails.php', 'llms_payment_gateway_manual' => 'includes/class.llms.gateway.manual.php', 'llms_settings_page' => 'includes/admin/settings/class.llms.settings.page.php', 'llms_table_notificationsettings' => 'includes/admin/settings/tables/class.llms.table.notification.settings.php', 'llms_table_student_certificates' => 'includes/admin/reporting/tables/llms.table.certificates.php', 'llms_table_studentmanagement' => 'includes/admin/post-types/tables/class.llms.table.student.management.php', // Deprecated classes. 'llms_achievement_user' => 'includes/achievements/class.llms.achievement.user.php', 'llms_certificate_user' => 'includes/certificates/class.llms.certificate.user.php', ); /** * An array of paths and what the class name starts with. * * @since 6.0.0 * * @var string[] [ $path_relative_to_LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR => $class_name_starts_with ] */ private $class_paths = array( 'includes/admin/tools/' => 'llms_admin_tool_', 'includes/admin/' => 'llms_admin_', 'includes/controllers/' => 'llms_controller_', 'includes/emails/' => 'llms_email', 'includes/forms/' => 'llms_form', 'includes/integrations/' => 'llms_integration_', 'includes/admin/post-types/meta-boxes/' => 'llms_meta_box_', 'includes/notifications/views/' => 'llms_notification_view_', 'includes/notifications/' => 'llms_notification', 'includes/privacy/' => 'llms_privacy', 'includes/processors/' => 'llms_processor', 'includes/shortcodes/' => 'llms_shortcode', 'includes/widgets/' => 'llms_widget', 'includes/' => 'llms_', ); /** * Constructor * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ public function __construct() { spl_autoload_register( array( $this, 'autoload' ) ); $this->includes_libraries(); $this->includes(); if ( is_admin() ) { $this->includes_admin(); } else { $this->includes_frontend(); } } /** * Auto-load LLMS classes. * * @todo Add a {@link https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.php namespace} to every file to simplify autoloading. * * @since 1.0.0 * @since 3.15.0 Unknown. * @since 4.0.0 Moved from `LifterLMS` class. * @since 5.3.0 Add traits. * @since 6.0.0 Increased the number of files that are autoloaded instead of manually loaded on every request. * Return early if not a LifterLMS core class. * * @param string $class Class name being called. * @return void */ public function autoload( $class ) { $class = strtolower( $class ); if ( 0 !== strpos( $class, 'llms_' ) && 'lifterlms' !== $class && 'meta_box_field_interface' !== $class ) { return; } $path = null; $fileize = str_replace( '_', '-', $class ); $file = 'class-' . $fileize . '.php'; if ( array_key_exists( $class, $this->non_standard_classes ) ) { $path = LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . $this->non_standard_classes[ $class ]; $file = null; } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $class, 'llms_abstract_' ) ) { $path = LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/abstracts/'; $file = $fileize . '.php'; } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $class, 'llms_analytics_' ) && false !== strrpos( $class, '_widget', - 7 ) ) { $path = LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/reporting/widgets/'; $file = 'class.llms.analytics.widget.' . substr( $class, 15, - 7 ) . '.php'; } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $class, 'llms_interface_' ) ) { $path = LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/interfaces/'; $file = $fileize . '.php'; } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $class, 'llms_metabox_' ) && false !== strrpos( $class, '_field', - 6 ) ) { $path = LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/post-types/meta-boxes/fields/'; $file = 'llms-class-meta-box-' . substr( $fileize, 13, - 6 ) . '.php'; } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $class, 'llms_table_' ) ) { /** @todo Prefix file names with 'class-' */ $path = LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/reporting/tables/'; $file = $fileize . '.php'; } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $class, 'llms_trait_' ) ) { $path = LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/traits/'; $file = $fileize . '.php'; } if ( is_null( $path ) ) { foreach ( $this->class_paths as $class_path => $class_name_starts_with ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $class, $class_name_starts_with ) ) { $path = LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . $class_path; break; } } } if ( $path ) { if ( is_readable( $path . $file ) ) { require_once $path . $file; return; } $file = str_replace( '-', '.', $file ); if ( is_readable( $path . $file ) ) { require_once $path . $file; return; } } } /** * Includes that are included everywhere. * * @since 4.0.0 * @since 4.4.0 Include `LLMS_Assets` class. * @since 4.12.0 Class `LLMS_Staging` always loaded instead of only loaded on admin panel. * @since 4.13.0 Include `LLMS_DOM_Document` class. * @since 5.0.0 Include `LLMS_Forms`, `LLMS_Form_Post_Type`, `LLMS_Form_Templates`, and `LLMS_Form_Handler`. * @since 5.2.0 Include `LLMS_DB_Upgrader`. * @since 5.6.0 Include `LLMS_Prevent_Concurrent_Logins`. * @since 6.0.0 Included `LLMS_Block_Library`, `LLMS_Controller_Awards`, and `LLMS_Engagement_Handler`. * Removed loading of class files that don't instantiate their class in favor of autoloading. * @since 6.4.0 Included `LLMS_Shortcodes` before `LLMS_Controller_Orders`. * @since 7.0.0 Include `LLMS_Controller_Checkout`. * @since 7.2.0 Include `LLMS_Shortcodes_Blocks`. * * @return void */ public function includes() { // Instantiate LLMS_Shortcodes before LLMS_Controller_Orders. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/shortcodes/class.llms.shortcodes.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/shortcodes/class.llms.shortcodes.blocks.php'; // Functions. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/llms.functions.core.php'; // Classes. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class-llms-block-library.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class-llms-events-core.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class-llms-rest-fields.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class-llms-sessions.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class-llms-staging.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class-llms-prevent-concurrent-logins.php'; // Forms. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/forms/class-llms-forms.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/forms/class-llms-forms-admin-bar.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/forms/class-llms-forms-classic-editor.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/forms/class-llms-forms-data.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/forms/class-llms-forms-dynamic-fields.php'; // Classes (files to be renamed). require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class.llms.admin.assets.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.ajax.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.ajax.handler.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.cache.helper.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.comments.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.date.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.install.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.l10n.js.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.nav.menus.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.oembed.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.playnice.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.post.relationships.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.post-types.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.query.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.question.types.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.review.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.sidebars.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.student.dashboard.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.user.permissions.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/class.llms.view.manager.php'; // Controllers. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/controllers/class.llms.controller.achievements.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/controllers/class-llms-controller-awards.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/controllers/class.llms.controller.certificates.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/controllers/class.llms.controller.lesson.progression.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/controllers/class-llms-controller-checkout.php'; // Added out of alpha order to preserve action load order. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/controllers/class.llms.controller.orders.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/controllers/class.llms.controller.quizzes.php'; // Form controllers. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/forms/controllers/class.llms.controller.account.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/forms/controllers/class.llms.controller.login.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/forms/controllers/class.llms.controller.registration.php'; // Hooks. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/llms.template.hooks.php'; // Privacy components. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/privacy/class-llms-privacy.php'; // Theme support. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/theme-support/class-llms-theme-support.php'; // Widgets. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/widgets/class.llms.widget.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/widgets/class.llms.widgets.php'; } /** * Includes that are required only on the admin panel * * @since 4.0.0 * @since 4.7.0 Always load `LLMS_Admin_Reporting`. * @since 4.8.0 Add `LLMS_Export_API`. * @since 4.12.0 Class `LLMS_Staging` always loaded instead of only loaded on admin panel. * @since 5.0.0 Include `LLMS_Forms_Unsupported_Versions` class. * @since 5.9.0 Drop usage of deprecated `FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING`. * @since 6.0.0 Removed loading of class files that don't instantiate their class in favor of autoloading. * @since 7.2.0 Include `LLMS_Admin_Dashboard_Wigdet` class. * * @return void */ public function includes_admin() { // Functions. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/llms.functions.admin.php'; // Admin classes. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class-llms-admin-header.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class-llms-admin-export-download.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class-llms-admin-review.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class-llms-admin-users-table.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class-llms-mailhawk.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class-llms-sendwp.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/forms/class-llms-forms-unsupported-versions.php'; // Admin classes (files to be renamed). require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class.llms.admin.dashboard.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class.llms.admin.dashboard-widget.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class.llms.admin.import.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class.llms.admin.menus.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class.llms.admin.notices.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class.llms.admin.notices.core.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class.llms.admin.post-types.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class.llms.admin.reviews.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class.llms.admin.user.custom.fields.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class-llms-admin-profile.php'; require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class.llms.student.bulk.enroll.php'; // Post types. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/post-types/class.llms.post.tables.php'; // Controllers. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/controllers/class.llms.controller.admin.quiz.attempts.php'; // Reporting. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/reporting/widgets/class.llms.analytics.widget.ajax.php'; // Load setup wizard conditionally. if ( 'llms-setup' === llms_filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'page' ) ) { require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'includes/admin/class.llms.admin.setup.wizard.php'; } } /** * Include libraries * * @since 4.0.0 * @since 4.9.0 Adds constants which can be used to identify when included libraries have been loaded. * @since 5.0.0 Load core libraries from new location, add WP Background Processing lib, add LLMS Helper. * @since 5.1.3 Add keys to the $libs array and pass them through a filter. * @since 5.5.0 Add LLMS-CLI to the list of included libraries. * * @return void */ public function includes_libraries() { $libs = array( 'blocks' => array( 'const' => 'LLMS_BLOCKS_LIB', 'test' => function_exists( 'has_blocks' ) && ! defined( 'LLMS_BLOCKS_VERSION' ), 'file' => LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'libraries/lifterlms-blocks/lifterlms-blocks.php', ), 'cli' => array( 'const' => 'LLMS_CLI_LIB', 'test' => ! function_exists( 'llms_cli' ), 'file' => LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'libraries/lifterlms-cli/lifterlms-cli.php', ), 'rest' => array( 'const' => 'LLMS_REST_API_LIB', 'test' => ! class_exists( 'LifterLMS_REST_API' ), 'file' => LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'libraries/lifterlms-rest/lifterlms-rest.php', ), 'helper' => array( 'const' => 'LLMS_HELPER_LIB', 'test' => ! class_exists( 'LifterLMS_Helper' ), 'file' => LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'libraries/lifterlms-helper/lifterlms-helper.php', ), ); /** * Filters the list of LifterLMS libraries to be loaded. * * @since 5.1.3 * * @param array $libs { * Array of library data. Each array key serves as a unique ID for the library. * * @type string $const Name of the constant used to identify if the library is loaded as a library. * @type bool $test A test which is evaluated to determine if the library should be loaded. Returning `false` causes the library not to load. * @type string $file Path to the main library file's location in the LifterLMS core plugin. * } */ $libs = apply_filters( 'llms_included_libs', $libs ); foreach ( $libs as $lib ) { if ( $lib['test'] ) { define( $lib['const'], true ); require_once $lib['file']; } } // Action Scheduler. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'vendor/woocommerce/action-scheduler/action-scheduler.php'; // WP Background Processing. require_once LLMS_PLUGIN_DIR . 'vendor/deliciousbrains/wp-background-processing/wp-background-processing.php'; } /** * Includes that are required only on the frontend * * @since 4.0.0 * @since 5.0.0 Removed deprecated classes: LLMS_Frontend_Forms & LLMS_Frontend_Password. * * @return void */ public function includes_frontend() {
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Methods Methods
- __construct — Constructor
- autoload — Auto-load LLMS classes.
- includes — Includes that are included everywhere.
- includes_admin — Includes that are required only on the admin panel
- includes_frontend — Includes that are required only on the frontend
- includes_libraries — Include libraries
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
5.3.0 | Add traits to autoload() . |
4.0.0 | Introduced. |