
LLMS_Membership model class

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File: includes/models/model.llms.membership.php

class LLMS_Membership extends LLMS_Post_Model implements LLMS_Interface_Post_Instructors {

	use LLMS_Trait_Sales_Page;

	 * Membership post meta.
	 * @var array
	protected $properties = array(
		'auto_enroll'               => 'array',
		'instructors'               => 'array',
		'redirect_page_id'          => 'absint',
		'restriction_add_notice'    => 'yesno',
		'restriction_notice'        => 'html',
		'restriction_redirect_type' => 'text',
		'redirect_custom_url'       => 'text',

	 * Database post type.
	 * @var string
	protected $db_post_type = 'llms_membership';

	 * Model name.
	 * @var string
	protected $model_post_type = 'membership';

	 * Constructor for this class and the traits it uses.
	 * @since 5.3.0
	 * @param string|int|LLMS_Post_Model|WP_Post $model 'new', WP post id, instance of an extending class, instance of WP_Post.
	 * @param array                              $args  Args to create the post, only applies when $model is 'new'.
	public function __construct( $model, $args = array() ) {

		parent::__construct( $model, $args );

	 * Add courses to autoenrollment by id
	 * @since 3.0.0
	 * @since 3.30.0 Added optional `$replace` argument.
	 * @param array|int $course_ids Array of course id or course id as int.
	 * @param bool      $replace    Optional. When `true`, replaces all existing courses with `$course_ids`, when false merges `$course_ids` with existing courses. Default `false`.
	 * @return boolean Returns `true` on success, and `false` on error or if the value in the db is unchanged.
	public function add_auto_enroll_courses( $course_ids, $replace = false ) {

		// allow a single course_id to be passed in.
		if ( ! is_array( $course_ids ) ) {
			$course_ids = array( $course_ids );

		// add existing courses to the array if replace is false.
		if ( ! $replace ) {
			$course_ids = array_merge( $course_ids, $this->get_auto_enroll_courses() );

		return $this->set( 'auto_enroll', array_unique( $course_ids ) );


	 * Retrieve a list of posts associated with the membership
	 * An associated post is:
	 * + A post, page, or custom post type which supports `llms-membership-restrictions` and has restrictions enabled to this membership
	 * + A course that exists in the memberships list of auto-enroll courses
	 * + A course that has at least one access plan with members-only availability linked to this membership
	 * @since 3.38.1
	 * @since 4.15.0 Minor restructuring to only query post type data when it's needed.
	 * @param string $post_type If supplied, returns only associations of this post type, otherwise returns an associative array of all associations.
	 * @return array[]|int[] An array of arrays of post IDs. The array keys are the post type and the array values are arrays of integers.
	 *                       If `$post_type` is supplied returns an array of associated post ids as integers.
	public function get_associated_posts( $post_type = null ) {

		// If we're querying only posts, we can skip these associations entirely because courses don't support them.
		$post_types = 'course' !== $post_type ? get_post_types_by_support( 'llms-membership-restrictions' ) : array();

		// If we're looking at a single post type we only have to query associations for that post type.
		$post_types = $post_type ? array_intersect( $post_types, array( $post_type ) ) : $post_types;

		// Our return array.
		$posts = array();

		// Retrieve all posts that are restricted to a membership via a LifterLMS Membership Restriction setting.
		foreach ( $post_types as $type ) {
			$posts[ $type ] = $this->query_associated_posts( $type, '_llms_is_restricted', 'yes', '_llms_restricted_levels' );

		// Include courses if courses were requested or if no specific post type was requested.
		if ( ! $post_type || 'course' === $post_type ) {
			$posts['course'] = $this->query_associated_courses();

		 * Filter the list of posts associated with the membership.
		 * @since 3.38.1
		 * @param array[]         $posts     An array of arrays of post IDs. The array keys are the post type and the array values are arrays of integers.
		 * @param string|null     $post_type The requested post type if only a specific post type was requested, otherwise `null` to indicate all associated post types.
		 * @param LLMS_Membership $this      Membership object.
		$posts = apply_filters( 'llms_membership_get_associated_posts', $posts, $post_type, $this );

		// If a single post type was requested, return only that.
		if ( $post_type ) {
			// Return the request post type array and fallback to an empty array if that post type doesn't exist.
			return isset( $posts[ $post_type ] ) ? $posts[ $post_type ] : array();

		// Remove empty arrays and return the rest.
		return array_filter( $posts );


	 * Get an array of the auto enrollment course ids
	 * Uses a custom function due to the default "get_array" returning an array with an empty string
	 * @since 3.0.0
	 * @since 4.15.0 Exclude unpublished courses from the return array.
	 * @return array
	public function get_auto_enroll_courses() {

		// Ensure an array when metadata is not set.
		$courses = isset( $this->auto_enroll ) ? $this->get( 'auto_enroll' ) : array();

		// Exclude unpublished courses.
		$courses = array_values(
				function( $id ) {
					return 'publish' === get_post_status( $id );

		 * Filters the list of the membership's auto enroll courses
		 * @since 3.0.0
		 * @param int[]           $courses    List of LLMS_Course IDs.
		 * @param LLMS_Membership $membership Membership post object.
		return apply_filters( 'llms_membership_get_auto_enroll_courses', $courses, $this );

	 * Retrieve membership categories.
	 * @since 3.36.3
	 * @param array $args Array of args passed to `wp_get_post_terms()`.
	 * @return array
	public function get_categories( $args = array() ) {
		return wp_get_post_terms( $this->get( 'id' ), 'membership_cat', $args );

	 * Retrieve course instructor information
	 * @since 3.13.0
	 * @param boolean $exclude_hidden If true, excludes hidden instructors from the return array.
	 * @return array
	public function get_instructors( $exclude_hidden = false ) {

		return apply_filters(
			$this->instructors()->get_instructors( $exclude_hidden ),


	 * Retrieve an instance of the LLMS_Product for this course
	 * @since 3.3.0
	 * @return LLMS_Product
	public function get_product() {
		return new LLMS_Product( $this->get( 'id' ) );

	 * Retrieve the number of enrolled students in the membership.
	 * @since 3.32.0
	 * @since 6.0.0 Don't access `LLMS_Student_Query` properties directly.
	 * @return int
	public function get_student_count() {

		$query = new LLMS_Student_Query(
				'post_id'  => $this->get( 'id' ),
				'statuses' => array( 'enrolled' ),
				'per_page' => 1,

		return $query->get_found_results();


	 * Get an array of student IDs based on enrollment status in the membership
	 * @since 3.0.0
	 * @param string|string[] $statuses Optional. List of enrollment statuses to query by status query is an OR relationship. Default is 'enrolled'.
	 * @param int             $limit    Optional. Number of results. Default is `50`.
	 * @param int             $skip     Optional. Number of results to skip (for pagination). Default is `0`.
	 * @return array
	public function get_students( $statuses = 'enrolled', $limit = 50, $skip = 0 ) {
		return llms_get_enrolled_students( $this->get( 'id' ), $statuses, $limit, $skip );

	 * Retrieve membership tags.
	 * @since 3.36.3
	 * @param array $args Array of args passed to `wp_get_post_terms()`.
	 * @return array
	public function get_tags( $args = array() ) {
		return wp_get_post_terms( $this->get( 'id' ), 'membership_tag', $args );

	 * Retrieve an instance of the Post Instructors model
	 * @since 3.13.0
	 * @return LLMS_Post_Instructors
	public function instructors() {
		return new LLMS_Post_Instructors( $this );

	 * Retrieve courses associated with the membership
	 * @since 3.38.1
	 * @since 4.15.0 Exclude unpublished courses.
	 * @see LLMS_Membership::get_associated_posts()
	 * @return int[]
	protected function query_associated_courses() {

		// Start with autoenroll courses.
		$courses = $this->get_auto_enroll_courses();

		// Retrieve all access plans with a members-only availability restriction for this membership.
		foreach ( $this->query_associated_posts( 'llms_access_plan', '_llms_availability', 'members', '_llms_availability_restrictions' ) as $plan_id ) {
			$plan = llms_get_post( $plan_id );
			if ( $plan ) {
				$id = $plan->get( 'product_id' );
				if ( 'publish' === get_post_status( $id ) ) {
					$courses[] = $id;

		return array_unique( $courses );


	 * Performs a WPDB query to retrieve posts associated with the membership
	 * @since 3.38.1
	 * @since 4.0.0 Escape `{` character in SQL query to add MySQL 8.0 support.
	 * @see LLMS_Membesrhip::get_associated_posts()
	 * @param string $post_type     Post type to query for an association with.
	 * @param string $enabled_key   A meta key name, used to check if the association is enabled for the associated post. For example: "_llms_is_restricted"
	 * @param string $enabled_value The meta value of the `$enabled_key` when the association is enabled. For example "yes" when checking "_llms_is_restricted"..
	 * @param string $list_key      The meta key name where associations are stored as a serialized array of WP_Post IDs. For example "_llms_restricted_levels".
	 * @return int[]
	protected function query_associated_posts( $post_type, $enabled_key, $enabled_value, $list_key ) {

		global $wpdb;

		// See if we have a cached result first.
		$cache = sprintf( 'membership_%1$d_associated_%2$s', $this->get( 'id' ), $post_type );
		$found = null;
		$ids   = wp_cache_get( $cache, '', false, $found );

		// We don't, perform a query.
		if ( ! $found ) {

			$ids = $wpdb->get_col( // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery
					"SELECT metas.post_id
				 FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} AS metas
				 JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS metas2 ON metas2.post_id = metas.post_id
				 JOIN {$wpdb->posts} AS posts ON posts.ID = metas.post_id
				 WHERE 1
				   AND posts.post_status = 'publish'
				   AND posts.post_type = %s
				   AND metas2.meta_key = %s
				   AND metas2.meta_value = %s
				   AND metas.meta_key = %s
				   AND metas.meta_value REGEXP %s;",
					'a:[0-9][0-9]*:\{(i:[0-9][0-9]*;(i|s:[0-9][0-9]*):"?[0-9][0-9]*"?;)*(i:[0-9][0-9]*;(i|s:[0-9][0-9]*):"?' . $this->get( 'id' ) . '"?;)'

			// Only return ints.
			$ids = array_map( 'absint', $ids );

			// Cache the result.
			wp_cache_set( $cache, $ids );


		return $ids;


	 * Remove a course from auto enrollment
	 * @since 3.0.0
	 * @param int $course_id WP_Post ID of the course.
	 * @return bool
	public function remove_auto_enroll_course( $course_id ) {
		return $this->set( 'auto_enroll', array_diff( $this->get_auto_enroll_courses(), array( $course_id ) ) );

	 * Save instructor information
	 * @since 3.13.0
	 * @param array $instructors Array of course instructor information.
	 * @return array
	public function set_instructors( $instructors = array() ) {

		return $this->instructors()->set_instructors( $instructors );


	 * Add data to the membership model when converted to array.
	 * Called before data is sorted and returned by `$this->jsonSerialize()`.
	 * @since 3.36.3
	 * @param array $arr Data to be serialized.
	 * @return array
	public function toArrayAfter( $arr ) {
		$arr['categories'] = $this->get_categories(
				'fields' => 'names',

		$arr['tags'] = $this->get_tags(
				'fields' => 'names',

		return $arr;


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Properties Properties

The following post and post meta properties are accessible for this class. See LLMS_Post_Model::get() and LLMS_Post_Model::set() for more information.


(int[]) Array of course IDs that users will be autoenrolled in upon successful enrollment in this membership.


(array) Course instructor user information.


(string) What type of redirect action to take when content is restricted by this membership [none|membership|page|custom].


(int) WP Post ID of a page to redirect users to when $restriction_redirect_type is 'page'.


(string) Arbitrary URL to redirect users to when $restriction_redirect_type is 'custom'.


(string) Whether or not to add an on screen message when content is restricted by this membership [yes|no].


(string) Notice to display when $restriction_add_notice is 'yes'.


(int) WP Post ID of the WP page to redirect to when $sales_page_content_type is 'page'.


(string) Sales page behavior [none,content,page,url].


(string) Redirect URL for a sales page, when $sales_page_content_type is 'url'.

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Methods Methods

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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
5.3.0 Move sales page methods to LLMS_Trait_Sales_Page.
5.2.1 Check for an empty sales page URL or ID.
4.0.0 Added MySQL 8.0 compatibility.
3.38.1 Added methods for retrieving posts associated with the membership.
3.36.3 Added get_categories(), get_tags() and toArrayAfter() methods.
3.32.0 Added get_student_count() method.
3.30.0 Added optional argument to add_auto_enroll_courses() method.
3.0.0 Introduced.

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