
Check for processors that have items in the queue

Description Description

For any found processors, saves their queue and schedules them to be processes via a scheduled event.

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Return Return

(array) Array containing information about the scheduled processors. The array keys will be the processor ID and the values will be the timestamp of the event or a WP_Error object.

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Source Source

File: includes/notifications/class.llms.notifications.php

	 *               The array keys will be the processor ID and the values will be the timestamp of the event or a WP_Error object.
	public function schedule_processors_dispatch() {

		$scheduled = array();

		if ( $this->processors_to_dispatch ) {

			foreach ( $this->processors_to_dispatch as $key => $id ) {

				// Retrieve the processor.
				$processor = $this->get_processor( $id );

				// Remove it from the list of processors to dispatch.
				unset( $this->processors_to_dispatch[ $key ] );

				$scheduled[ $id ] = $processor ? $this->schedule_single_processor( $processor, $id ) : new WP_Error(
					// Translators: %s = Processor ID.
					sprintf( __( 'The processor "%s" does not exist.', 'lifterlms' ), $id )


		return $scheduled;

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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
3.38.0 Introduced.

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