LLMS_Order::get_creation_args( string $title = '' )
An array of default arguments to pass to $this->create() when creating a new post
Parameters Parameters
- $title
(string) (Optional) Title to create the post with.
Default value: ''
Return Return
Source Source
File: includes/models/model.llms.order.php
735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 | protected function get_creation_args( $title = '' ) { $date = llms_current_time( 'mysql' ); if ( empty ( $title ) ) { $title = sprintf( // Translators: %1$s = Transaction creation date. __( 'Order – %1$s' , 'lifterlms' ), date_format( date_create( $date ), 'M d, Y @ h:i A' ) ); } return apply_filters( "llms_{$this->model_post_type}_get_creation_args" , array ( 'comment_status' => 'closed' , 'ping_status' => 'closed' , 'post_author' => 1, 'post_content' => '' , 'post_date' => $date , 'post_excerpt' => '' , 'post_password' => uniqid( 'order_' ), 'post_status' => 'llms-' . apply_filters( 'llms_default_order_status' , 'pending' ), 'post_title' => $title , 'post_type' => $this ->get( 'db_post_type' ), ), $this ); } |
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Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
5.9.0 | Remove usage of deprecated strftime() . |
5.3.1 | Set the post_date property using llms_current_time() . |
3.10.0 | Unknown. |
3.0.0 | Introduced. |