LLMS_Order::set_date( string $date_key, string $date_val )
Date field setter for date fields that require things to be updated when their value changes
Description Description
This is mainly used to allow updating dates which are editable from the admin panel which should trigger additional actions when updated.
Settable dates: date_next_payment, date_trial_end, date_access_expires.
Parameters Parameters
- $date_key
(string) (Required) Date field to set.
- $date_val
(string) (Required) Date string or a unix time stamp.
Source Source
File: includes/models/model.llms.order.php
1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 | 'source_description' => '' , 'transaction_id' => '' , 'status' => 'llms-txn-succeeded' , 'payment_gateway' => $this ->get( 'payment_gateway' ), 'payment_type' => 'single' , ), $data ) ); $txn = new LLMS_Transaction( 'new' , $this ->get( 'id' ) ); $txn ->set( 'api_mode' , $this ->get( 'gateway_api_mode' ) ); $txn ->set( 'amount' , $amount ); $txn ->set( 'currency' , $this ->get( 'currency' ) ); $txn ->set( 'gateway_completed_date' , date_i18n( 'Y-m-d h:i:s' , strtotime ( $completed_date ) ) ); $txn ->set( 'gateway_customer_id' , $customer_id ); $txn ->set( 'gateway_fee_amount' , $fee_amount ); $txn ->set( 'gateway_source_id' , $source_id ); $txn ->set( 'gateway_source_description' , $source_description ); $txn ->set( 'gateway_transaction_id' , $transaction_id ); $txn ->set( 'order_id' , $this ->get( 'id' ) ); $txn ->set( 'payment_gateway' , $payment_gateway ); $txn ->set( 'payment_type' , $payment_type ); $txn ->set( 'status' , $status ); return $txn ; |
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Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.19.0 | Unknown. |
3.10.0 | Introduced. |