LLMS_Person_Handler::login( array $data )

Login a user

Parameters Parameters


(array) (Required) User login information.

  • 'llms_login'
    (string) User email address or username.
  • 'llms_password'
    (string) User password.
  • 'llms_remember'
    (string) Whether to extend the cookie duration to keep the user logged in for a longer period.

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Return Return

(WP_Error|int) The WP_User ID on login success or an error object on failure.

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Source Source

File: includes/class.llms.person.handler.php

	public static function login( $data ) {

		 * Run an action prior to user login.
		 * @since 3.0.0
		 * @param array $data {
		 *    User login credentials.
		 *    @type string $user_login User's username.
		 *    @type string $password User's password.
		 *    @type bool $remeber Whether to extend the cookie duration to keep the user logged in for a longer period.
		 * }
		do_action( 'lifterlms_before_user_login', $data );

		 * Filter user submitted login data prior to data validation.
		 * @since 3.0.0
		 * @param array $data {
		 *    User login credentials.
		 *    @type string $user_login User's username.
		 *    @type string $password User's password.
		 *    @type bool $remeber Whether to extend the cookie duration to keep the user logged in for a longer period.
		 * }
		$data = apply_filters( 'lifterlms_user_login_data', $data );

		// Validate the fields & allow custom validation to occur.
		$valid = self::validate_login_fields( $data );

		// If errors found, return them.
		if ( is_wp_error( $valid ) ) {

			 * Filters the errors found during a LifterLMS user login attempt
			 * @since Unknown
			 * @param WP_Error       $valid  Error object containing information about the login error.
			 * @param array          $data   User submitted login form data.
			 * @param WP_Error|false $signon The original WP Error object returned by `wp_signon()` or false if the error
			 *                               is encountered prior to the signon attempt.
			return apply_filters( 'lifterlms_user_login_errors', $valid, $data, false );


		$creds = array(
			'user_login'    => wp_unslash( $data['llms_login'] ), // Unslash ensures that an email address with an apostrophe is unescaped for lookups.
			'user_password' => $data['llms_password'],
			'remember'      => isset( $data['llms_remember'] ),

		 * Filter a user's login credentials immediately prior to signing in.
		 * @since Unknown
		 * @param array $creds {
		 *    User login credentials.
		 *    @type string $user_login User's username.
		 *    @type string $password User's password.
		 *    @type bool $remeber Whether to extend the cookie duration to keep the user logged in for a longer period.
		 * }
		$creds  = apply_filters( 'lifterlms_login_credentials', $creds );
		$signon = wp_signon( $creds, is_ssl() );

		if ( is_wp_error( $signon ) ) {

			$err = new WP_Error( 'login-error', __( 'Could not find an account with the supplied email address and password combination.', 'lifterlms' ) );
			// This hook is documented in includes/class.llms.person.handler.php.
			return apply_filters( 'lifterlms_user_login_errors', $err, $data, $signon );


		return $signon->ID;


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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
5.0.0 Removed email lookup logic since wp_authenticate() supports email addresses as user_login since WP 4.5.
3.29.4 Unknown.
3.0.0 Introduced.

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