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File: includes/admin/settings/class.llms.settings.courses.php
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 | */ public function get_settings() { /** * Filter the course settings. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param array $course_settings THe course Settings. */ $course = apply_filters( 'lifterlms_course_settings' , array ( array ( 'class' => 'top' , 'id' => 'course_general_options' , 'type' => 'sectionstart' , ), array ( 'id' => 'course_general_options_title' , 'title' => __( 'Course Settings' , 'lifterlms' ), 'type' => 'title' , ), array ( 'desc' => __( 'Enabling this setting allows students to mark a lesson as "incomplete" after they have completed a lesson.' , 'lifterlms' ), 'default' => 'no' , 'id' => 'lifterlms_retake_lessons' , 'title' => __( 'Retake Lessons' , 'lifterlms' ), 'type' => 'checkbox' , ), array ( 'title' => __( 'Lesson Favorites' , 'lifterlms' ), 'desc' => __( 'Enabling this setting allows students to mark a lesson as "favorite".' , 'lifterlms' ), 'id' => 'lifterlms_favorites' , 'default' => 'yes' , 'type' => 'checkbox' , ), array ( 'type' => 'sectionend' , 'id' => 'course_general_options' , ), array ( 'class' => 'top' , 'id' => 'course_archive_options' , 'type' => 'sectionstart' , ), array ( 'id' => 'course_options' , 'title' => __( 'Course Catalog Settings' , 'lifterlms' ), 'type' => 'title' , ), array ( 'class' => 'llms-select2-post' , 'custom_attributes' => array ( 'data-allow-clear' => true, 'data-post-type' => 'page' , 'data-placeholder' => __( 'Select a page' , 'lifterlms' ), ), 'desc' => sprintf( __( 'This page is where your visitors will find a list of all your available courses. %1$sMore Information%2$s' , 'lifterlms' ), '<a href="https://lifterlms.com/docs/course-catalog/" target="_blank">' , '</a>' ), 'id' => 'lifterlms_shop_page_id' , 'options' => llms_make_select2_post_array( get_option( 'lifterlms_shop_page_id' , '' ) ), 'title' => __( 'Course Catalog' , 'lifterlms' ), 'type' => 'select' , ), array ( 'default' => 9, 'desc' => __( 'To show all courses on one page, enter -1.' , 'lifterlms' ), 'id' => 'lifterlms_shop_courses_per_page' , 'title' => __( 'Courses per page' , 'lifterlms' ), 'type' => 'number' , ), array ( 'default' => 'menu_order' , 'desc' => __( 'Determines the display order for courses on the courses page.' , 'lifterlms' ), 'id' => 'lifterlms_shop_ordering' , 'options' => array ( 'menu_order,ASC' => __( 'Order (Low to High)' , 'lifterlms' ), 'title,ASC' => __( 'Title (A - Z)' , 'lifterlms' ), 'title,DESC' => __( 'Title (Z - A)' , 'lifterlms' ), 'date,DESC' => __( 'Most Recent' , 'lifterlms' ), ), 'title' => __( 'Catalog Sorting' , 'lifterlms' ), 'type' => 'select' , ), array ( 'type' => 'sectionend' , |
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Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.5.0 | Introduced. |