
LLMS_Shortcode_Checkout class.

Source Source

File: includes/shortcodes/class.llms.shortcode.checkout.php

class LLMS_Shortcode_Checkout {

	 * Current User ID.
	 * @var int
	public static $uid;

	 * Renders the checkout template.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @since 3.33.0 Do not display the checkout form but a notice to a logged in user enrolled in the product being purchased.
	 * @since 3.36.3 Added l10n function to membership restriction error message.
	 * @since 4.2.0 Added filter to control the displaying of the notice informing the students they're already enrolled in the product being purchased.
	 * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes array.
	 * @return void
	private static function checkout( $atts ) {

		// if there are membership restrictions, check the user is in at least one membership.
		// this is to combat CHEATERS.
		if ( $atts['plan']->has_availability_restrictions() ) {
			$access = false;
			foreach ( $atts['plan']->get_array( 'availability_restrictions' ) as $mid ) {

				// once we find a membership, exit.
				if ( llms_is_user_enrolled( self::$uid, $mid ) ) {
					$access = true;
			if ( ! $access ) {
				llms_print_notice( __( 'You must be a member in order to purchase this access plan.', 'lifterlms' ), 'error' );

		if ( self::$uid ) {
			// ensure the user isn't enrolled in the product being purchased.
			if ( isset( $atts['product'] ) && llms_is_user_enrolled( self::$uid, $atts['product']->get( 'id' ) ) ) {

				 * Filter the displaying of the checkout form notice for already enrolled in the product being purchased.
				 * @since 4.2.0
				 * @param bool $display_notice Whether or not displaying the checkout form notice for already enrolled students in the product being purchased.
				if ( apply_filters( 'llms_display_checkout_form_enrolled_students_notice', true ) ) {
							// Translators: %2$s = The product type (course/membership); %1$s = product permalink.
							__( 'You already have access to this %2$s! Visit your dashboard <a href="%1$s">here.</a>', 'lifterlms' ),
							llms_get_page_url( 'myaccount' ),


			$user = get_userdata( self::$uid );
			llms_print_notice( sprintf( __( 'You are currently logged in as <em>%1$s</em>. <a href="%2$s">Click here to logout</a>', 'lifterlms' ), $user->user_email, wp_logout_url( $atts['plan']->get_checkout_url() ) ), 'notice' );
		} else {
			llms_get_login_form( sprintf( __( 'Already have an account? <a href="%s">Click here to login</a>', 'lifterlms' ), '#llms-show-login' ), $atts['plan']->get_checkout_url() );

		llms_get_template( 'checkout/form-checkout.php', $atts );


	 * Renders the confirm payment checkout template.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @version 3.0.0
	 * @param array $atts shortcode attributes.
	 * @return void
	private static function confirm_payment( $atts ) {

		llms_get_template( 'checkout/form-confirm-payment.php', $atts );


	 * Output error messages when they're encountered.
	 * @since 3.0.0
	 * @param string $message The error message.
	 * @return void
	private static function error( $message ) {
		 * Filters error messages displayed on the checkout screen.
		 * @since 3.0.0
		 * @param string $message The error message.
		echo apply_filters( 'llms_checkout_error_output', $message );

	 * Retrieve the shortcode content.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes.
	 * @return string
	public static function get( $atts ) {
		return LLMS_Shortcodes::shortcode_wrapper( array( __CLASS__, 'output' ), $atts );

	 * Gather a bunch of information and output the actual content for the shortcode.
	 * @since 1.0.0
	 * @since 3.30.1 Added check via llms_locate_order_for_user_and_plan() to automatically resume an existing pending order for logged in users if one exists.
	 * @since 3.35.0 Sanitize input data.
	 * @since 5.0.0 Organize attribute configuration and add new dynamic attributes related to the LLMS_Form post.
	 * @since 5.9.0 Stop using deprecated `FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING`.
	 * @since 7.0.0 Fixed unclosed `div.llms-checkout-wrapper` on empty cart.
	 * @since 7.0.1 Fixed issue encountered when trying to confirm payment for a non-existent order.
	 * @param array $atts Shortcode atts from originating shortcode.
	 * @return void
	public static function output( $atts ) {

		global $wp;

		$atts = $atts ? $atts : array();

		$atts['cols'] = isset( $atts['cols'] ) ? $atts['cols'] : 2;

		self::$uid = get_current_user_id();

		$atts['gateways']         = llms()->payment_gateways()->get_enabled_payment_gateways();
		$atts['selected_gateway'] = llms()->payment_gateways()->get_default_gateway();

		$atts['order_key'] = '';

		$atts['field_data'] = array();
		if ( isset( $_POST ) && isset( $_POST['action'] ) && 'create_pending_order' === $_POST['action'] ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
			$atts['field_data'] = wp_unslash( $_POST ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
		} elseif ( self::$uid ) {
			$atts['field_data'] = get_current_user_id();


		 * Allows gateways or third parties to output custom errors before
		 * any core logic is executed.
		 * This filter returns `false` by default. To output custom errors return
		 * the error message as a string that will be displayed on screen.
		 * @since Unknown
		 * @param bool|string $pre_error A custom error message.
		$err = apply_filters( 'lifterlms_pre_checkout_error', false );
		if ( $err ) {
			self::error( $err );


		// purchase step 1.
		if ( isset( $_GET['plan'] ) && is_numeric( $_GET['plan'] ) ) {

			$plan_id = llms_filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'plan', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT );

			// Only retrieve if plan is a llms_access_plan and is published.
			if ( 0 === strcmp( get_post_status( $plan_id ), 'publish' ) && 0 === strcmp( get_post_type( $plan_id ), 'llms_access_plan' ) ) {

				$coupon = llms()->session->get( 'llms_coupon' );

				if ( isset( $coupon['coupon_id'] ) && isset( $coupon['plan_id'] ) ) {
					if ( $coupon['plan_id'] == $_GET['plan'] ) {
						$atts['coupon'] = new LLMS_Coupon( $coupon['coupon_id'] );
					} else {
						llms()->session->set( 'llms_coupon', false );
						$atts['coupon'] = false;
				} else {
					$atts['coupon'] = false;

				// Use posted order key to resume a pending order.
				if ( isset( $_POST['llms_order_key'] ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
					$atts['order_key'] = llms_filter_input_sanitize_string( INPUT_POST, 'llms_order_key' );

					// Attempt to locate a pending order.
				} elseif ( self::$uid ) {
					$pending_order = llms_locate_order_for_user_and_plan( self::$uid, $plan_id );
					if ( $pending_order ) {
						$order             = llms_get_post( $pending_order );
						$atts['order_key'] = ( 'llms-pending' === $order->get( 'status' ) ) ? $order->get( 'order_key' ) : '';

				$atts = self::setup_plan_and_form_atts( $plan_id, $atts );

				 * Filter the number of columns used to render the checkout/enrollment form.
				 * @since Unknown.
				 * @since 5.0.0 Added `$form_location` parameter.
				 * @param int $cols Number of columns. Accepts 1 or 2.
				 * @param LLMS_Access_Plan $plan Access plan object.
				 * @param string $form_location Form location ID.
				$atts['cols'] = apply_filters( 'llms_checkout_columns', ( $atts['is_free'] || ! $atts['form_fields'] ) ? 1 : $atts['cols'], $atts['plan'], $atts['form_location'] );

				self::checkout( $atts );

			} else {

				self::error( __( 'Invalid access plan.', 'lifterlms' ) );

		} elseif ( isset( $wp->query_vars['confirm-payment'] ) ) {

			$order_key = llms_filter_input_sanitize_string( INPUT_GET, 'order' );
			$order     = $order_key ? llms_get_order_by_key( $order_key ) : false;
			if ( ! $order ) {
				self::error( __( 'Could not locate an order to confirm.', 'lifterlms' ) );

			$atts = self::setup_plan_and_form_atts( $order->get( 'plan_id' ), $atts );

			if ( $order->get( 'coupon_id' ) ) {
				$atts['coupon'] = new LLMS_Coupon( $order->get( 'coupon_id' ) );
			} else {
				$atts['coupon'] = false;

			$atts['selected_gateway'] = llms()->payment_gateways()->get_gateway_by_id( $order->get( 'payment_gateway' ) );

			self::confirm_payment( $atts );

		} else {

			self::error( sprintf( __( 'Your cart is currently empty. Click <a href="%s">here</a> to get started.', 'lifterlms' ), llms_get_page_url( 'courses' ) ) );




	 * Setup attributes for plan and form information.
	 * @since 5.0.0
	 * @since 5.1.0 Properly detect empty form fields when the html is only composed of blanks and empty paragraphs.
	 * @since 7.0.0 Add 'redirect' hidden field to be used on purchase completion.
	 * @param int   $plan_id LLMS_Access_Plan post id.
	 * @param array $atts    Existing attributes.
	 * @return array Modified attributes array.
	protected static function setup_plan_and_form_atts( $plan_id, $atts ) {

		$plan = new LLMS_Access_Plan( $plan_id );

		$atts['plan']    = $plan;
		$atts['product'] = $plan->get_product();
		$atts['is_free'] = $plan->has_free_checkout();

		$atts['form_location'] = 'checkout';
		$atts['form_title']    = llms_get_form_title( $atts['form_location'], array( 'plan' => $plan ) );
		$atts['form_fields']   = self::clean_form_fields( llms_get_form_html( $atts['form_location'], array( 'plan' => $plan ) ) );

		// Add 'redirect' URL hidden field to be used on purchase completion.
		$plan_redirection_url = $plan->get_redirection_url( false );
		if ( $plan_redirection_url ) {
			$atts['form_fields'] .= ( new LLMS_Form_Field(
					'id'             => 'llms-redirect',
					'name'           => 'redirect',
					'type'           => 'hidden',
					'value'          => $plan_redirection_url,
					'data_store_key' => false,
			) )->get_html();

		return $atts;

	 * Clean form fields html
	 * Properly detects empty form fields when the html is only composed of blanks and empty paragraphs.
	 * In this case the form fields html is turned into an empty string.
	 * @since 5.1.0
	 * @param array $fields_html Form Fields.
	 * @return array
	private static function clean_form_fields( $fields_html ) {
		// If fields html has only blanks and emoty paragraphs (autop?), clean it.
		if ( empty( preg_replace( '/(\s)*(<p><\/p>)*/m', '', $fields_html ) ) ) {
			$fields_html = '';
		return $fields_html;

	 * Output the checkout wrapper opening tags.
	 * @since 7.0.0
	 * @return void
	private static function checkout_wrapper_start() {
		echo '<div class="llms-checkout-wrapper">';

	 * Output the checkout wrapper closing tags.
	 * @since 7.0.0
	 * @return void
	private static function checkout_wrapper_end() {
		echo '</div><!-- .llms-checkout-wrapper -->';


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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
5.0.0 Add support for LLMS_Form field management.
4.2.0 Added filter to control the displaying of the notice informing the students they're already enrolled in the product being purchased.
3.36.3 Added l10n function to membership restriction error message.
3.35.0 Sanitize input data.
3.33.0 Checkout form not displayed to users already enrolled in the product being purchased, a notice informing them of that is displayed instead.
3.30.1 Added check via llms_locate_order_for_user_and_plan() to automatically resume an existing pending order for logged in users if one exists.
1.0.0 Introduced.

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