Retrieve the actual content of the shortcode
Description Description
$atts & $content are both filtered before being passed to get_output() output is filtered so the return of get_output() doesn’t need its own filter
Return Return
Source Source
File: includes/shortcodes/class.llms.shortcode.course.outline.php
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 | protected function get_output() { $course = new LLMS_Course( $this ->get_attribute( 'course_id' ) ); $student = llms_get_student(); $args = array ( 'collapse' => $this ->get_attribute( 'collapse' ), 'course' => $course , 'current_section' => null, 'current_lesson' => null, 'sections' => array (), 'student' => $student , 'toggles' => $this ->get_attribute( 'toggles' ), ); if ( ! $course ) { return '' ; } $next_lesson = $student ? llms_get_post( $student ->get_next_lesson( $course ->get( 'id' ) ) ) : false; if ( 'lesson' === get_post_type() ) { $args [ 'current_lesson' ] = get_the_ID(); } // show only the current section if ( $next_lesson && 'current_section' === $this ->get_attribute( 'outline_type' ) ) { $section = llms_get_post( $next_lesson ->get( 'parent_section' ) ); $args [ 'sections' ][] = $section ; $args [ 'current_section' ] = $section ->get( 'id' ); } else { if ( 'lesson' === get_post_type() ) { $lesson = llms_get_post( get_the_ID() ); } else { $lesson = $next_lesson ; } $args [ 'sections' ] = $course ->get_sections(); $args [ 'current_section' ] = ! empty ( $lesson ) && is_a ( $lesson , 'LLMS_Post_Model' ) ? $lesson ->get( 'parent_section' ) : false; } ob_start(); llms_get_template( 'course/outline-list-small.php' , $args ); return ob_get_clean(); } |
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Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.5.1 | Introduced. |