LLMS_Student::get_enrollment_date( int $product_id, string $date = 'enrolled', string $format = null )

Get the formatted date when a user initially enrolled in a product or when they were last updated

Parameters Parameters


(int) (Required) WP Post ID of a course or membership


(string) (Optional) "enrolled" will get the most recent start date, "updated" will get the most recent status change date

Default value: 'enrolled'


(string) (Optional) date format as accepted by php date(), if none supplied uses the WP core "date_format" option

Default value: null

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Return Return

(false|string) will return false if the user is not enrolled

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Source Source

File: includes/models/model.llms.student.php

		); // db call ok; no-cache ok.
		// phpcs:enable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared

		$found = absint( $wpdb->get_var( 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()' ) ); // db call ok; no-cache ok.

		return array(
			'found'   => $found,
			'limit'   => $args['limit'],
			'more'    => ( $found > ( ( $args['skip'] / $args['limit'] + 1 ) * $args['limit'] ) ),
			'skip'    => $args['skip'],
			'results' => array_keys( $query ),


	 * Get the formatted date when a user initially enrolled in a product or when they were last updated
	 * @since 3.0.0
	 * @since 3.35.0 Prepare SQL properly.
	 * @param   int    $product_id  WP Post ID of a course or membership
	 * @param   string $date        "enrolled" will get the most recent start date, "updated" will get the most recent status change date
	 * @param   string $format      date format as accepted by php date(), if none supplied uses the WP core "date_format" option
	 * @return  false|string        will return false if the user is not enrolled

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Changelog Changelog

Version Description
3.35.0 Prepare SQL properly.
3.0.0 Introduced.

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