Alert: This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.
LLMS_Student_Query::sql_status_in( string $column = 'status' )
Generate an SQL IN clause based on submitted status arguments
Parameters Parameters
- $column
(string) (Optional) Name of the column.
Default value: 'status'
Return Return
Source Source
File: includes/class.llms.student.query.php
406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 | private function sql_status_in( $column = 'status' ) { global $wpdb ; $comma = false; $statuses = array (); $sql = '' ; foreach ( $this ->get( 'statuses' ) as $status ) { $sql .= $comma ? ',%s' : '%s' ; $statuses [] = $status ; $comma = true; } $sql = $wpdb ->prepare( $sql , $statuses ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared return "{$column} IN ( {$sql} )" ; } |
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Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
3.13.0 | Introduced. |