
Define the structure of the table

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File: includes/admin/reporting/tables/llms.table.membership.students.php

	public function set_columns() {
		$cols = array(
			'id'         => array(
				'exportable' => true,
				'sortable'   => true,
				'title'      => __( 'ID', 'lifterlms' ),
			'name'       => array(
				'sortable' => true,
				'title'    => __( 'Name', 'lifterlms' ),
			'name_last'  => array(
				'exportable'  => true,
				'export_only' => true,
				'title'       => __( 'Last Name', 'lifterlms' ),
			'name_first' => array(
				'exportable'  => true,
				'export_only' => true,
				'title'       => __( 'First Name', 'lifterlms' ),
			'email'      => array(
				'exportable'  => true,
				'export_only' => true,
				'title'       => __( 'Email', 'lifterlms' ),
			'status'     => array(
				'exportable' => true,
				'filterable' => llms_get_enrollment_statuses(),
				'sortable'   => true,
				'title'      => __( 'Status', 'lifterlms' ),
			'enrolled'   => array(
				'exportable' => true,
				'sortable'   => true,
				'title'      => __( 'Enrollment Updated', 'lifterlms' ),

		return $cols;


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Version Description
3.32.0 Introduced.

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