Retrieve a list of CSS selectors for elements where the primary color is used as the background
Description Description
The primary color is a bright blue (#2295ff).
Return Return
(string[]) A list of CSS selectors.
Source Source
File: includes/theme-support/class-llms-theme-support.php
public static function get_selectors_primary_color_background() { /** * Filter the list of CSS selectors for elements where the primary color is used as the background * * @since 4.10.0 * * @param string[] $selectors A list of CSS selectors. */ return apply_filters( 'llms_theme_support_get_selectors_primary_color_background', array( // Buttons. '.llms-button-primary', '.llms-button-primary:hover', '.llms-button-primary.clicked', '.llms-button-primary:focus', '.llms-button-primary:active', '.llms-button-action', '.llms-button-action:hover', '.llms-button-action.clicked', '.llms-button-action:focus', '.llms-button-action:active', // Pricing Tables. '.llms-access-plan-title', '.llms-access-plan .stamp', '.llms-access-plan.featured .llms-access-plan-featured', // Checkout. '.llms-checkout-wrapper .llms-form-heading', // Notices. '.llms-notice:not(.llms-debug)', // Progress Bar. '.llms-progress .progress-bar-complete', // My Grades. '.llms-sd-widgets .llms-sd-widget .llms-sd-widget-title', // Instructor. '.llms-instructor-info .llms-instructors .llms-author .avatar', // Quizzes. '.llms-question-wrapper ol.llms-question-choices li.llms-choice input:checked + .llms-marker', ) ); }
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Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
4.10.0 | Introduced. |