Filter Hook: Get & Set grades for gradable post types
Source: includes/class-llms-grades.php:39
Filter Hook: Get & Set grades for gradable post types
Source: includes/class-llms-grades.php:39
Method: Main grade calculation function Calculates the grade for a gradable post model DOES NOT CACHE RESULTS! See get_grade() for a function which uses caching
Source: includes/class-llms-grades.php:138
Method: Calculates the grade for a lesson
Source: includes/class-llms-grades.php:187
Method: Main grade getter function
Source: includes/class-llms-grades.php:214
Method: Retrieve a grade from the wp_cache
Source: includes/class-llms-grades.php:250
Method: Round grades according to filterable rounding options set during construction
Source: includes/class-llms-grades.php:267
Class: LLMS_Grades
Source: includes/class-llms-grades.php:20
Method: Get Main Singleton Instance
Source: includes/class-llms-grades.php:41
Method: Private constructor
Source: includes/class-llms-grades.php:37
Method: Calculates the grades for elements that have a list of children which are averaged / weighted to come up with the total grade
Source: includes/class-llms-grades.php:52