Filter Hook: Filters the HTML returned by llms_sd_my_grades_table_content().
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:1038
Filter Hook: Filters the HTML returned by llms_sd_my_grades_table_content().
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:1038
Filter Hook: Filters whether or not to display the student dashboard
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:59
Action Hook: Fires after the student dashboard my grades default table cell content output
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:1023
Action Hook: Fires before the student dashboard my grades table cell content output
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:974
Filter Hook: Filter the types of subscriber notification which can be managed
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:788
Filter Hook: Filter the student dashboard “my grades” table headings
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:648
Filter Hook: Filter the number of courses per page to be displayed in the dashboard.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:225
Filter Hook: Filter the number of courses per page to be displayed in the dashboard, when outputting a short list of courses.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:234
Filter Hook: Filter the wp query args to retrieve the courses for the “my_courses” loop.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:244
Action Hook: Fires after the student dashboard output.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.dashboard.php:150