Warning: This function has been deprecated. use ‘llms_register_user’ instead

llms_create_new_person( string $email, string $email2, string $username = '', string $firstname = '', string $lastname = '', string $password = '', string $password2 = '', string $billing_address_1 = '', string $billing_address_2 = '', string $billing_city = '', string $billing_state = '', string $billing_zip = '', string $billing_country = '', string $agree_to_terms = '',  $phone = '' )

Creates new user

Parameters Parameters


(string) (Required) [user email]


(string) (Required) [user verify email]


(string) (Optional) [username]

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) [user first name]

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) [user last name]

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) [user password]

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) [user verify password]

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) [user billing address 1]

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) [user billing address 2]

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) [user billing city]

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) [user billing state]

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) [user billing zip]

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) [user billing country]

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) [agree to terms checkbox bool]

Default value: ''

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Return Return

(int) $person_id [ID of the user created]

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Source Source

File: includes/functions/llms.functions.person.php

		$roles = array();

	if ( ! array_intersect( $user->get_user()->roles, $roles ) ) {
		return false;

	if ( $post_id && ! user_can( $user->get( 'id' ), 'edit_post', $post_id ) ) {
		return false;

	return true;


 * Checks LifterLMS user capabilities against an object
 * @since 3.13.0
 * @since 4.5.0 Use strict array comparison.
 * @param string $cap    Capability name.

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