llms_insert_access_plan( array $props = array() )
Create or update an access plan.
Description Description
If $props has an "ID" parameter, that plan will be updated, otherwise a new plan will be created.
See also See also
Parameters Parameters
- $props
(array) (Optional) An array of of properties that make up the plan to create or update.
- 'product_id'
(int) Required) WP Post ID of the related LifterLMS Product (course or membership). - 'id'
(int) WP Post ID of the Access Plan, if omitted a new plan is created, if supplied, that plan is updated. - 'access_expiration'
(string) Expiration type [lifetime|limited-period|limited-date]. - 'access_expires'
(string) Date access expires in m/d/Y format. Only applicable when $access_expiration is "limited-date". - 'access_length'
(int) Length of access from time of purchase, combine with $access_period. Only applicable when $access_expiration is "limited-period". - 'access_period'
(string) Time period of access from time of purchase, combine with $access_length. Only applicable when $access_expiration is "limited-period" [year|month|week|day]. - 'availability'
(string) Determine if this access plan is available to anyone or to members only. Use with $availability_restrictions to determine if the member can use the access plan. [open|members]. - 'availability_restrictions'
(array) Indexed array of LifterLMS Membership IDs a user must belong to to use the access plan. Only applicable if $availability is "members". - 'checkout_redirect_forced'
(string) On a members' only access plan, whether to force redirect users back to the redirect settings specified in this access plan. - 'checkout_redirect_type'
(string) Type of checkout redirection [self|page|url]. - 'content'
(string) Plan description (post_content). - 'enroll_text'
(string) Text to display on buy buttons. - 'frequency'
(int) Frequency of billing. 0 = a one-time payment [0-6]. - 'is_free'
(string) Whether or not the plan requires payment [yes|no]. - 'length'
(int) Number of intervals to run payment for, combine with $period & $frequency. 0 = forever / until cancelled. Only applicable if $frequency is not 0. - 'menu_order'
(int) Order to display access plans in when listing them. Displayed in ascending order. - 'on_sale'
(string) Enable or disable plan sale pricing [yes|no]. - 'period'
(string) Interval period, combine with $length. Only applicable if $frequency is not 0. [year|month|week|day]. - 'price'
(float) Price per charge/ - 'sale_end'
(string) Date when the sale pricing ends. - 'sale_start'
(string) Date when the sale pricing begins. - 'sale_price'
(float) Sale price. - 'sku'
(string) Short user-created plan identifier. - 'title'
(string) Plan title. - 'trial_length'
(int) length of the trial period. Only applicable if $trial_offer is "yes". - 'trial_offer'
(string) Enable or disable a plan trial period. [yes|no]. - 'trial_period'
(string) Period for the trial period. Only applicable if $trial_offer is "yes". [year|month|week|day]. - 'trial_price'
(float) Price for the trial period. Can be 0 for a free trial period.
Default value: array()
- 'product_id'
Return Return
(LLMS_Access_Plan|WP_Error) LLMS_Access_Plan
on success, WP_Error
on failure.
Source Source
File: includes/functions/llms-functions-access-plans.php
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isset( $props [ 'checkout_redirect_forced' ] ) ) { unset( $plan_array [ 'checkout_redirect_forced' ] ); } $props = wp_parse_args( $props , $plan ); } // Merge in default properties. $props = wp_parse_args( $props , apply_filters( 'llms_access_plan_default_properties' , array ( 'access_expiration' => 'lifetime' , 'access_length' => 1, 'access_period' => 'year' , 'availability' => 'open' , 'checkout_redirect_forced' => 'no' , 'checkout_redirect_type' => 'self' , 'frequency' => 0, 'is_free' => 'yes' , 'length' => 0, 'on_sale' => 'no' , 'period' => 'year' , 'price' => 0, 'sale_price' => 0, 'title' => __( 'Access Plan' , 'lifterlms' ), 'trial_length' => 1, 'trial_offer' => 'no' , 'trial_period' => 'year' , 'trial_price' => 0, 'visibility' => 'visible' , ) ) ); /** * Modify the properties passed into `llms_insert_access_plan()`. * * Either `llms_access_plan_before_create` for new plans or `llms_access_plan_before_update` for updates. * * @since 3.29.0 * * @param array $props Properties used to create/update the access plan. */ $props = apply_filters( 'llms_access_plan_before_' . $action , $props ); // Cannot create an access plan without a product. if ( empty ( $props [ 'product_id' ] ) || ! is_numeric ( $props [ 'product_id' ] ) ) { // Translators: %s = property key ('product_id'). return new WP_Error( 'missing-product-id' , sprintf( __( 'Missing required property: "%s".' , 'lifterlms' ), 'product_id' ) ); } // Paid plan. if ( $props [ 'price' ] > 0 ) { $props [ 'is_free' ] = 'no' ; // One-time (no trial). if ( 0 === $props [ 'frequency' ] ) { $props [ 'trial_offer' ] = 'no' ; } } else { $props [ 'is_free' ] = 'yes' ; $props [ 'price' ] = 0; $props [ 'frequency' ] = 0; $props [ 'on_sale' ] = 'no' ; $props [ 'trial_offer' ] = 'no' ; } // Unset recurring props when it's a 1-time payment. if ( 0 === $props [ 'frequency' ] ) { unset( $props [ 'length' ], $props [ 'period' ] ); } // Unset trial props when no trial enabled. if ( ! llms_parse_bool( $props [ 'trial_offer' ] ) ) { unset( $props [ 'trial_price' ], $props [ 'trial_length' ], $props [ 'trial_period' ] ); } // Unset sale props when no sale enabled. if ( ! llms_parse_bool( $props [ 'on_sale' ] ) ) { unset( $props [ 'sale_price' ], $props [ 'sale_end' ], $props [ 'sale_start' ] ); } // Unset expiration props based on expiration settings. if ( 'lifetime' === $props [ 'access_expiration' ] ) { unset( $props [ 'access_expires' ], $props [ 'access_length' ], $props [ 'access_period' ] ); } elseif ( 'limited-date' === $props [ 'access_expiration' ] ) { unset( $props [ 'access_length' ], $props [ 'access_period' ] ); } elseif ( 'limited-period' === $props [ 'access_expiration' ] ) { unset( $props [ 'access_expires' ] ); } // Ensure visibility setting is valid. if ( ! in_array( $props [ 'visibility' ], array_keys ( llms_get_access_plan_visibility_options() ), true ) ) { // Translators: %s = supplied visibility setting. return new WP_Error( 'invalid-visibility' , sprintf( __( 'Invalid access plan visibility: "%s"' , 'lifterlms' ), $props [ 'visibility' ] ) ); } // Ensure all periods are valid. $valid_periods = array_keys ( llms_get_access_plan_period_options() ); foreach ( array ( 'period' , 'access_period' , 'trial_period' ) as $key ) { if ( ! empty ( $props [ $key ] ) && ! in_array( $props [ $key ], $valid_periods , true ) ) { // Translators: %1$s = plan period key name; %2$s = the invalid period. return new WP_Error( 'invalid-' . $key , sprintf( __( 'Invalid access plan %1$s: "%2$s"' , 'lifterlms' ), $key , $props [ $key ] ) ); } } $checkout_redirect_type = $props [ 'checkout_redirect_type' ]; // Ensure that the checkout redirection type is valid. if ( ! in_array( $checkout_redirect_type , array_keys ( llms_get_checkout_redirection_types() ), true ) ) { // Translators: %s = supplied checkout redirect type. return new WP_Error( 'invalid-checkout-redirect-type' , sprintf( __( 'Invalid checkout redirect type: "%s"' , 'lifterlms' ), $checkout_redirect_type ) ); // Ensure that the correct checkout redirection value is set if the type is page. } elseif ( 'page' === $checkout_redirect_type && empty ( get_post( $props [ 'checkout_redirect_page' ] ) ) ) { // Translators: %d = supplied checkout redirect page ID. return new WP_Error( 'invalid-checkout-redirect-page' , sprintf( __( 'Invalid checkout redirect page ID: "%d"' , 'lifterlms' ), $props [ 'checkout_redirect_page' ] ) ); // Ensure that the correct checkout redirection value is set if the type is url. } elseif ( 'url' === $checkout_redirect_type && ! filter_var( $props [ 'checkout_redirect_url' ], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ) { // Translators: %s = supplied checkout redirect page URL. return new WP_Error( 'invalid-checkout-redirect-url' , sprintf( __( 'Invalid checkout redirect URL: "%s"' , 'lifterlms' ), $props [ 'checkout_redirect_url' ] ) ); } if ( 'create' === $action ) { $plan = new LLMS_Access_Plan( 'new' ); if ( ! $plan ) { return new WP_Error( 'plan-creation' , __( 'An error was encountered while creating the access plan' , 'lifterlms' ) ); } } // Set visibility. $plan ->set_visibility( $props [ 'visibility' ] ); // Set all valid properties. $valid_props = array_keys ( $plan ->get_properties() ); foreach ( $props as $prop_key => $prop_val ) { if ( in_array( $prop_key , $valid_props , true ) ) { $plan ->set( $prop_key , $prop_val ); } } /** * Do something with an access plan immediately after the access plan is created/updated. * * Either `llms_access_plan_after_create` during creation or `llms_access_plan_after_update` during an update. * * @since 3.29.0 * * @param LLMS_Access_Plan $plan Access plan instance. * @param array $props Properties used to create/update the access plan. */ do_action( 'llms_access_plan_after_' . $action , $plan , $props ); return $plan ; } |
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Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
7.0.0 | Correctly handle $checkout_redirect_forced property when updating. |
3.30.3 | Fixed spelling errors. |
3.30.0 | Added checkout redirect options. |
3.29.0 | Introduced. |