Function: Retrieve the full path to the log file for a given log handle
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.log.php:161
Function: Retrieve the full path to the log file for a given log handle
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.log.php:161
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-forms.php:114
Function: Retrieve the number of columns for llms loops
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.loop.php:216
Function: Get classes to add to the loop wrapper based on the queried object Used in templates/loop/loop-start.php
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.templates.loop.php:228
Function: Retrieve the minimum accepted password strength for student passwords
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-deprecated.php:180
Function: Retrieve the translated name of minimum accepted password strength for student passwords
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.person.php:209
Function: Retrieve an array of notice types
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.notice.php:56
Function: Gets messages and errors which are stored in the session, then clears them.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.notice.php:69
Function: Retrieves and filters the value open registration option
Source: includes/llms.functions.core.php:847
Function: Retrieve an HTML anchor for an option page
Source: includes/llms.functions.core.php:569