Function: When the_post is called, put course data into a global.
Source: includes/llms.template.functions.php:442
Function: When the_post is called, put course data into a global.
Source: includes/llms.template.functions.php:442
Function: When the_post is called, put lesson data into a global.
Source: includes/llms.template.functions.php:473
Function: Setup a pending order which can be passed to an LLMS_Payment_Gateway for processing.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.order.php:299
Function: When the_post is called, put course data into a global.
Source: includes/llms.template.functions.php:496
Function: When the_post is called, put question data into a global.
Source: includes/llms.template.functions.php:469
Function: Determines whether or not a “Mark Complete” button should be displayed for a given lesson
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-progression.php:41
Function: Determines whether or not a “Take Quiz” button should be displayed for a given lesson.
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-progression.php:61
Function: Shuffles an array while keeping the array indices
Source: includes/llms.template.functions.php:1038
Function: Shuffles choices until the choice order has changed from the original.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.quiz.php:194
Function: Strips a list of prefixes from the start of a string.
Source: includes/llms.functions.core.php:1215