Filter Hook: Filters the query SELECT clause
Source: includes/class.llms.student.query.php:394
Filter Hook: Filters the query SELECT clause
Source: includes/class.llms.student.query.php:394
Filter Hook: Filters the number of attempts remaining by a student for a given quiz.
Source: includes/models/model.llms.student.quizzes.php:208
Filter Hook: LifterLMS User Data Abstract
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.user.data.php:83
Action Hook: Action triggered after a recurring subscription is cancelled from the student dashboard by the student.
Source: includes/forms/controllers/class.llms.controller.account.php:90
Filter Hook: Customize the delimiter used when generating CSV export files.
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.exportable.admin.table.php:94
Filter Hook: Customize the number of records per page when generating an export file.
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.exportable.admin.table.php:73
Filter Hook: Filters the file name for an export file.
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.exportable.admin.table.php:256
Filter Hook: Customize the export file header columns.
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.exportable.admin.table.php:217
Filter Hook: Display students enrolled in a given course on the course students subtab
Source: includes/admin/reporting/tables/llms.table.course.students.php:255
Filter Hook: Students Reporting Table
Source: includes/admin/reporting/tables/llms.table.students.php:355