Method: Replace merge codes with actual values
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.notification.view.php:105
Method: Replace merge codes with actual values
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.notification.view.php:105
Method: Replace default merge codes with actual values
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.notification.view.php:787
Method: Set the user ID used by [llms-user] to the user triggering the notification.
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.notification.view.php:217
Method: Setup notification subject line for output
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.notification.view.php:150
Method: Define field support for the view
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.notification.view.php:813
Method: Setup notification title for output
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.notification.view.php:161
Method: Retrieve the value of an option from the database
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.options.data.php:49
Method: Option default value autoloader
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.options.data.php:110
Method: Retrieve the value of an option from the database
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.options.data.php:86
Method: Retrieve a prefixed option name from the database Prefix automatically adds a trigger and type to the option name in addition to llms_notification
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.options.data.php:135