Method: Custom capability checks for LifterLMS things
Source: includes/class.llms.user.permissions.php:244
Method: Custom capability checks for LifterLMS things
Source: includes/class.llms.user.permissions.php:244
Method: Determines if the current user is an instructor.
Source: includes/class.llms.user.permissions.php:302
Method: Determine if a user can manage another user.
Source: includes/class.llms.user.permissions.php:320
Method: Constructor
Source: includes/models/model.llms.user.postmeta.php:82
Method: Get a string used to describe the postmeta item.
Source: includes/models/model.llms.user.postmeta.php:110
Method: Retrieve a link for the item on the admin panel
Source: includes/models/model.llms.user.postmeta.php:176
Method: Retrieve a student obj for the meta item.
Source: includes/models/model.llms.user.postmeta.php:228
Method: Constructor
Source: includes/class.llms.view.manager.php:28
Method: Add actions & filters.
Source: includes/class.llms.view.manager.php:49
Method: Add view links to the admin menu bar for qualifying users.
Source: includes/class.llms.view.manager.php:93