Method: Get fields displayed on the checkout form
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.payment.gateway.php:538
Method: Get fields displayed on the checkout form
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.payment.gateway.php:538
Method: Get the icon displayed on the checkout form
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.payment.gateway.php:557
Class: LifterLMS Payment Gateways abstract class
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.payment.gateway.php:20
Method: This should be called by the gateway after verifying the transaction was completed successfully
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.payment.gateway.php:180
Method: Confirms a Payment.
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.payment.gateway.php:253
Method: Get admin description for the gateway
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.payment.gateway.php:262
Method: Get the admin title for the gateway
Source: includes/abstracts/abstract.llms.payment.gateway.php:283
Method: Magic Getter for User Data
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.user.data.php:80
Method: Allows direct access to WP_User object for retrieving user data from the user or usermeta tables
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.user.data.php:175
Method: Perform validations according to $screen and update the user
Source: includes/class.llms.person.handler.php:601