Method: Sanitize input to ensure an array of absolute integers.
Source: includes/abstracts/llms-abstract-query.php:490
Method: Sanitize input to ensure an array of absolute integers.
Source: includes/abstracts/llms-abstract-query.php:490
Method: Prepare the SQL for the query.
Source: includes/class.llms.query.user.postmeta.php:206
Filter Hook: Throttles course data processing based on the number of a students in a course.
Source: includes/processors/class.llms.processor.course.data.php:273
Filter Hook: Frequency to run the processor for a given course when processing is throttled
Source: includes/processors/class.llms.processor.course.data.php:285
Method: Auto-load LLMS classes.
Source: includes/class-llms-loader.php:154
Filter Hook: Filter the list of available processors to be loaded.
Source: includes/processors/class.llms.processors.php:105
Filter Hook: Processor: Course Data
Source: includes/processors/class.llms.processor.course.data.php:176
Filter Hook: Empty the (saved) data to prevent duplicate data in future batches.
Source: includes/abstracts/llms.abstract.processor.php:164
Filter Hook: Filter the list of pages that LifterLMS will send nocache headers for.
Source: includes/class.llms.cache.helper.php:133
Action Hook: Single Course Tab: Overview Subtab
Source: templates/admin/reporting/tabs/courses/overview.php:43