Method: Get a list of achievement Achievement Template IDs for a given post.
Source: includes/class.llms.achievements.php:95
Method: Get a list of achievement Achievement Template IDs for a given post.
Source: includes/class.llms.achievements.php:95
Method: Add menu items to the WP Admin Bar to allow quiz returns to the dashboard from the course builder
Source: includes/admin/class.llms.admin.builder.php:43
Class: Admin review request
Source: includes/admin/class-llms-admin-review.php:23
Method: Constructor
Source: includes/admin/class-llms-admin-review.php:32
Method: On LifterLMS admin screens replace the default footer text with a review request
Source: includes/admin/class-llms-admin-review.php:49
Method: AJAX callback for dismissing the notice
Source: includes/admin/class-llms-admin-review.php:89
Method: Determine if the notice should be displayed and display it
Source: includes/admin/class-llms-admin-review.php:119
Method: Round a number down to a big-ish round number
Source: includes/admin/class-llms-admin-review.php:174
Method: Setup a field’s tooltip and description based on supplied values
Source: includes/admin/class.llms.admin.settings.php:811
Method: Disable save button on the main notification tab (list)
Source: includes/admin/settings/class.llms.settings.notifications.php:216