Filter Hook: The property ‘checkout_redirect_forced’ is not sent when the related checkbox is unchecked, so we have to avoid to override it with the saved value.
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-access-plans.php:89
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-access-plans.php:124
Action Hook: Do something with an access plan immediately after the access plan is created/updated.
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-access-plans.php:235
Function: Retrieve available options for access plan periods
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-access-plans.php:248
Function: Determines whether or not a “Take Quiz” button should be displayed for a given lesson.
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-progression.php:61
Function: Determines whether or not a “Mark Complete” button should be displayed for a given lesson
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-progression.php:41
Function: Determine if lesson completion is allowed for a given user & lesson
Source: includes/functions/llms-functions-progression.php:24
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.order.php:23
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.order.php:299
Method: AJAX handler for creating and updating access plans via the metabox on courses & memberships
Source: includes/class.llms.ajax.handler.php:1463