Filter Hook: Filter the post types that should be tracked
Source: includes/class-llms-events.php:360
Filter Hook: Filter the post types that should be tracked
Source: includes/class-llms-events.php:360
Method: Determine if the event string is registered and valid.
Source: includes/class-llms-events.php:104
Class: LLMS_Events class.
Source: includes/class-llms-events.php:25
Method: Output some quick and dirty inline JS.
Source: includes/admin/class-llms-sendwp.php:155
Method: Output some quick and dirty inline CSS.
Source: includes/admin/class-llms-sendwp.php:302
Method: Determine if inline scripts and styles should be output.
Source: includes/admin/class-llms-sendwp.php:283
Method: Get the “Connect” Setting field html.
Source: includes/admin/class-llms-sendwp.php:114
Method: Find the end of the “email_options” section to splice in new settings.
Source: includes/admin/class-llms-sendwp.php:228
Method: Install / Activate SendWP plugin.
Source: includes/admin/class-llms-sendwp.php:164
Method: Validate installation request and perform the plugin install or return errors.
Source: includes/admin/class-llms-sendwp.php:49