Method: Resend a receipt for a transaction
Source: includes/admin/post-types/meta-boxes/class.llms.meta.box.order.transactions.php:101
Method: Resend a receipt for a transaction
Source: includes/admin/post-types/meta-boxes/class.llms.meta.box.order.transactions.php:101
Method: Save method, processes refunds / records manual txns
Source: includes/admin/post-types/meta-boxes/class.llms.meta.box.order.transactions.php:122
Method: Set the ID of the email
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:469
Method: set the subject for the email
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:482
Method: Set the body for the email
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:430
Method: set the content_type for the email
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:443
Method: set the heading for the email
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:456
Method: Add a single recipient for sending to, cc, or bcc
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:188
Method: Add multiple recipients
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:234
Method: Get the body content of the email
Source: includes/emails/class.llms.email.php:287