Method: Constructor
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms-data.php:34
Method: Constructor
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms-data.php:34
Method: Modifies block settings for toggle-controlled fields
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms-dynamic-fields.php:487
Method: Adds a toggle link button allowing the user to change their email address
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms-dynamic-fields.php:520
Method: Adds a current password field and a toggle link button allowing the user to change their password
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms-dynamic-fields.php:544
Method: Retrieve the HTML for a field toggle button link
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms-dynamic-fields.php:204
Method: Modifies account form to improve the UX of editing the email address and password fields
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms-dynamic-fields.php:231
Filter Hook: Filters the settings used to create the dynamic password strength meter block
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms-dynamic-fields.php:117
Method: Finds a block with the specified ID within a list of blocks
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms-dynamic-fields.php:139
Method: Constructor
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms-dynamic-fields.php:28
Method: Creates a new HTML block with the given settings and inserts it into an existing blocks array at the specified location
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms-dynamic-fields.php:47