Filter Hook: Filter the available form locations.
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms.php:878
Filter Hook: Filter the available form locations.
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms.php:878
Method: Retrieve the forms post type name.
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms.php:889
Method: Determine if a block is visible based on LifterLMS Visibility Settings.
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms.php:901
Method: Retrieve the HTML markup for a custom form field block
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms.php:767
Method: Retrieve an array of form fields used for the “free enrollment” form
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms.php:789
Filter Hook: Filter the list of LLMS_Form_Fields used to generate the “free enrollment” form
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms.php:823
Method: Retrieve the HTML of form fields used for the “free enrollment” form
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms.php:837
Filter Hook: Filters the returned `llms_form` post object
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms.php:629
Method: Retrieve additional fields added to the form programmatically.
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms.php:716
Filter Hook: Filter to add custom fields to a form programmatically.
Source: includes/forms/class-llms-forms.php:728