Function: Get the number of items per page used in paginated migration queries.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.updates.php:27
Function: Get the number of items per page used in paginated migration queries.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.updates.php:27
Filter Hook: Filters the number of items per page in migration queries.
Source: includes/functions/llms.functions.updates.php:40
Function: Adds an option used to determine if the site has at least one legacy achievement or certificate template or award that uses the default image.
Source: includes/functions/updates/llms-functions-updates-600.php:344
Function: Migrate the achievement content legacy post meta to post_content.
Source: includes/functions/updates/llms-functions-updates-600.php:295
Function: Migrate the attachment image id from the legacy post meta location to the WP core’s featured image.
Source: includes/functions/updates/llms-functions-updates-600.php:321
Function: Migrates meta data for achievement and certificate template posts.
Source: includes/functions/updates/llms-functions-updates-600.php:55
Function: Shows an admin welcome notice.
Source: includes/functions/updates/llms-functions-updates-600.php:114
Function: Update db version to 6.0.0.
Source: includes/functions/updates/llms-functions-updates-600.php:158
Function: Migrate deprecated meta values for user awards by type.
Source: includes/functions/updates/llms-functions-updates-600.php:174
Function: Migrate meta values for a single award.
Source: includes/functions/updates/llms-functions-updates-600.php:255