Method: Check if the engagement for the specified template and related post has already been earned / awarded to a given user.
Source: includes/class-llms-engagement-handler.php:370
Method: Check if the engagement for the specified template and related post has already been earned / awarded to a given user.
Source: includes/class-llms-engagement-handler.php:370
Method: Handles deprecated filters which have additional parameters from now deprecated classes.
Source: includes/class-llms-engagement-handler.php:172
Method: Create a new earned achievement or certificate.
Source: includes/class-llms-engagement-handler.php:211
Filter Hook: Skip engagement processing checks and force engagements to process.
Source: includes/class-llms-engagement-handler.php:63
Filter Hook: Filters whether or not an engagement should be processed immediately prior to it being sent or awarded.
Source: includes/class-llms-engagement-handler.php:111
Method: Apply deprecated creation filters based on the engagement type.
Source: includes/class-llms-engagement-handler.php:124
Class: Validate and generate or send engagement posts.
Source: includes/class-llms-engagement-handler.php:24
Method: Create a new earned achievement or certificate.
Source: includes/class-llms-engagement-handler.php:44
Filter Hook: Filters the size used to retrieve an achievement image.
Source: includes/models/model.llms.user.achievement.php:80
Filter Hook: Filter the image source URL for the achievement.
Source: includes/models/model.llms.user.achievement.php:97