Method: Handle attempts to access quizzes.
Source: includes/class.llms.template.loader.php:399
Method: Handle attempts to access quizzes.
Source: includes/class.llms.template.loader.php:399
Method: Handle content restricted to a membership
Source: includes/class.llms.template.loader.php:439
Method: Check if content should be restricted and include overrides where appropriate.
Source: includes/class.llms.template.loader.php:525
Method: Constructor
Source: includes/theme-support/class-llms-theme-support.php:28
Method: Retrieve formatted inline CSS for a given list of selectors and rules
Source: includes/theme-support/class-llms-theme-support.php:42
Method: Retrieve a list of CSS selectors for elements where the primary color is used as the background
Source: includes/theme-support/class-llms-theme-support.php:74
Method: Retrieve a list of CSS selectors for elements where the primary color is used as the border color
Source: includes/theme-support/class-llms-theme-support.php:136
Method: Retrieve a list of CSS selectors for elements where the primary color is used as the text color
Source: includes/theme-support/class-llms-theme-support.php:182
Method: Conditionally require additional theme support classes.
Source: includes/theme-support/class-llms-theme-support.php:222
Method: Constructor
Source: includes/class.llms.track.php:40